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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Is It A Hate Crime?


  1. This is a growing issue across the country if you don't own a weapon you better get one. If we stick together we will be okay.

  2. do what they tell you and you will be ok.

  3. I will not justify the rationale for 'hate crime'. What it is, is an assault, by a mob of blacks, perhaps racially motivated--wich should be reserved for trial, not the ticket.

  4. only blacks can claim hate crime..

  5. Yes. To call it anything else is criminal.

  6. Yes, this is a hate crime. They should all be thrown away in prison and never see the light of day again.

  7. 5:12pm Do you have your head buried in the sand or are you drunk on that OBAMMA KOOLAIDE? These thugs are not asking or demanding any thing they are attacking for no reason! I for one am not intimidated by them. Attack me and and they will be happy to see a judge that is whats left of them. They may take me out but be forewarned I'm taking as many of them with me as I can SHOOT!

    I am a non-violent person but I will defend myself and my family. With that said you have been warned.

  8. I guess a "hate crime" only occurs when a "white person" who may not even be white, assults another colored person for any reason. Such as getting your head kicked in. Zimmerman= white hate crime (even though he is hispanic lol) but his =regular crime (ie black on white) I guess thats why it isn't a hate crime?


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