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Monday, May 07, 2012

IRS Under Fire

A long-time critic of the Internal Revenue Service's whistleblower program is now investigating conference spending. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) wants to know why the IRS sent the director of its whistleblower program and 18 other employees to the Ritz-Carlton in Miami for an event meant for offshore financiers and investigators. Grassley asked the IRS to provide details on who authorized the travel and how much they paid for each attendee. Grassley said he receives regular letters from whistleblowers frustrated that the agency isn't investigating their claims. He said it indicated his "worst fears are coming true" about the program.

1 comment:

  1. C'mon... they appoint a guy to head them up whose been dodging his taxes and not paying penalties and Grassley is complaining about IRS management attending boondoggles in Miami? I'm sure that the Ritz gave them rates that were within approved Government per diem limits and I doubt they put their whores on their expense reports like other departments may have.


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