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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Iran Boasts U.S. Has Abandoned Israel

Iranian outlets have been claiming recently the United States has been forced to bow before Iran on its nuclear program, demonstrating the West’s abandonment of Israel and paving the way for the Islamic regime to annihilate the Jewish state.

While restating that Iran will demand ever more in the upcoming second round of talks with the 5+1 nations to be held this month in Baghdad, the Iranian media are now boasting that Israel has been abandoned by its allies and is in a dire bind.

One such editorial, published last week by Iran’s Keyhan newspaper, which is directly under the supervision of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated, “It can be said that within the last 60 years, this is the first time that the Zionist regime, since its illegal inception, has had to endure rejection by the West over its vision and interest in the region.”



  1. We only know what we are told.I have Iranian friends.They refuse to watch the spin generated in the US regarding US - Iranian relations.Instead they watch Iranian television via satellite.They insist that the only accurate information they receive is by bypassing american news sources and going directly to the source.Someone has big plans,and it isn't Iran.

  2. 8:08
    Yes they think the American Media and Americans are evil right? So tell me why they are here?

  3. 8:13-They are students pursuing their masters.Each will admit the inferiority of Iranian colleges.Once this has been accomplished they will return to Iran,or so they say.

  4. 9:17
    Probably not. If they are males they will marry an American citizen.....stay married 3-5 years divorce and bring over a wife from Iran. Egyptians are famous for this scheme, but they all do it.

  5. All this is really doing is making Israel's nuclear trigger finger a bit more twitchy. Iran has a nuclear weapon?! Oh NO! Israel has between 100 & 200 of them (depending on the source) and can hit a target with them too. Iran? They'd be lucky if their country could not only launch a nuclear missile, but actually HIT what they are aiming at. Iran wants to bring back the prophesied mullah? He'll come back all right. Then look around at all the crispy Iranians and decimated cities and say "who the hell thought THIS was a good idea?". As my father used to say, "Don't let your mouth overload your ass". Israel is probably more afraid that obama will attack THEM than they are of anything Iran can, or will, do.

  6. So the message is don't listen to the free market US media, instead listen to the state-controlled iranian media because they reinforce your partisan narrative


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