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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Important Post Today At 4:00 PM

Salisbury News will have a challenging Post at 4:00 PM today. Many people seem to be quite upset about today's Daily Times article supporting Mayor Ireton's drive to surplus many of the Downtown Parking Lots because there's plenty of parking in the Parking Garage.

I'll not give away this incredible Letter to the Editor at 4:00 PM but I will say this. Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton are masters at hiring people to write grants and find federal money, especially subsidized housing projects.

The big question is, DO YOU WANT AN INNER CITY IN DOWNTOWN SALISBURY? Secondly, do you know what an inner city is? The ONLY people who benefit from these projects are local developers. Give it 5 years and everyone will be screaming blue bloody murder and guess what, those politicians currently in office will be LONG gone, leaving you and I with a Little Baltimore or Harlem on our hands.

I think you'll enjoy our 4:00 Post but I just wanted to throw this out before it arrives because I firmly believe Ireton and the Daily Times are seriously on life support.


  1. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Just because other suggestions are not to your liking does not mean the suggestions are wrong. For several years this downtown fiasco has been turn wrong side out, upside down, and every other way, with no solution.

    Now if you intend to post a rant at 4 o'clock about Ireton's plan being totally wrong, that is a waste of time. Over the years that is all the public has heard - rants on how stupid people are, who have proposed plans.

    How many of the ranting lunatics have actually come up with a plan of their own? How many of the "no ways" have bothered to find common ground upon which to build downtown into an asset. All I hear is negative remarks at every suggestion.

    Try something different - instead of calling the Mayor and the DT out with remarks of how stupid they are, why not just present your own plan. Let others join in and listen to their proposals. Everyone meet as a winning team and pull a plan together.

    The key to downtown is listening and doing together. So far it has been "you are so stupid that will not work".

    1. Let me assure you, I have a plan for Downtown in which I have shared with many INVESTED people in the Downtown area. I WILL revitalize Downtown like no one has eer seen before and guess what, it won't take US multiple years to make it happen. I/We can and WILL remove a major portion of parking meters from Downtown while still providing enough income from my plan to never miss a penny from removing them. Remember Folks, you've had politicians in Office for many years. This businessman will present ideas in which I am more than confident the citizens will be receptive to, especially when they'll see a REDUCTION in the overall cost of maintaining the City. Ireton, (with ALL due respect) has no clue what he's doing, hence his "stealing" the idea he proposed from plans more than 30 years old. I will present my package when the time is right but you can believe me when I tell you, Ireton's plan will look so novice when you hear it you'll be laughing at it all the way to the Bank. Now, let me "steal" one from Ireton. "Help is on the way".

  2. The first comment is trying to bait Joe into revealing his ideas and plans for downtown so they can be stolen. Sorry 11:33, it's not going to work.

  3. Joe I cannot wait to hear what your plans are. Help is certainly needed.

  4. What needs to happen is that Mayor Ireton needs to release the names of these people and any blogs that complained there was a parking problem downtown.
    Alot of money was spent having his "study" done. City staffers were on this for a month and a half!
    Why was this money wasted on something that isn't a problem? I guarantee he is up to some back room deal.
    He needs to let everyone know who these people are and any blogs who say they is a parking problem downtown and he needs to do it immediately!

  5. Joe,just you being a successful businessman puts you ahead of the mayor and council.Salisbury will never change without someone like you!

  6. Ireton = Obama

    After several years of nothing they both are presenting grandiose plans that are impossible to do and would requiree tons of public taxpayer funding

  7. Kind of like the health care bill. Vote it in to find out what your going to get?

  8. what they really plan on doing is relocating the black community from the west side of the river to allow for more expensive housing on the west side of the wicomico river.

    this is the same way that they treated the blacks and poor people in the inner harbor in baltimore. they are just led to believe that is what is good for them.

  9. I am a business owner in downtown Salisbury and I have big faith in mr Albero plan because he is one of us and he feels us like no one else. You got my vote.


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