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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

I Heard Someone Ordered Bumper Stickers


  1. When and where can we get them Joe.

  2. Is John Robinson doing the printing?

  3. I need 5 please.

  4. Hey, Chuck Cook, I know your IP Address. Stop making comments here or I'll do a Post exposing you and ALL of the comments you've attempted to put up. This is your only warning. It won't look very good on Ireton if I do that.

  5. Who is Chuck Cook?

  6. I just talked with John. He said... " we need a full time Mayor, Joe will actually be a good change and that you had some great ideas especially about downtown!"
    As much as he and you have not gotten along you two have found common ground and for the good of our city have put aside your personal stuff amd are moving forward to help downtown and Salisbury!
    Also said he is not ready to endorse you but you seem to be the man for the job! I think its great. About time we had some positive anything fpr Salisbury!

  7. Clearly what would be good for downtown would also be good for John and anyone else with property/business downtown. We need input from all the businesses downtown in harmony with good leadership.

    I think we all need to forget the past and stop trying to swim upstream in contention with each other. I commend anyone investing anywhere these days, especially downtown Salisbury.

    Good luck to downtown Salisbury, I think it's obvious many of us would enjoy a nice shopping- gathering environment on the Plaza.

  8. It's too bad you can't actually run without leaving your paradise.

  9. Joe, you're the man ...

  10. I was just looking over at our 3 local MSM outlets... not a breath about you running for Mayor. They must be consulting their lawyers while writing their stories to see how bad they can spin you without crossing over the line! Might taks a week or two...

  11. I'll stop by to pick mine up. What time is best?

  12. Knowing a little about campaign materials. on a local level. bumper stickers are a waste of money. you want to get you name out, you've got to go big. lots of signs. easily 1000 or more. and you'll have at least 200 of those stolen on average.
    another good item are door hangers.

  13. Im only voting for you because of your ambition for downtown salisbury.

  14. Best of luck to you! I wish i could vote for you,I live in somerset.

  15. Go Joe!!! I want my signs!!!!

  16. Joe, I don't know if your plans for downtown would work or not, but I know you will try to work with others to improve things.

    Ireton stinks. All he has done is carry on Barrie Tilghman's legacy and fight whoever the council majority is. He did it with Louise Smith and we rooted for him, but now we see him doing it to his friends and teaming up with the likes of Smith and Dunn.

    Which Jim Ireton would we wake up to next year? Thanks, but no thanks!

  17. Why run for mayor, Joe? You should run for President! JOE ALBERO FOR PRESIDENT! Hey, can I be your campaign manager?


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