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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Are Still Renting Home Phones

While many of us are ditching landlines in favor of wireless, a large portion of the country still has some sort of terrestrial home phone. But what's surprising is just how many folks out there are still paying every month to lease their phones.

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  1. gotta be the older folks who don't give it a moments thought. Thats how its been. If you were to ask them, they would just say, "I don't know"?

  2. The house alarm system uses the phone line.

  3. Pacemaker checks require landline and phone.

  4. Everything newer is not necessarily better - just leave the old folks alone, they like their land lines, especially when it storms and knocks out power - they still have a connection to the outside world - do you with your cell phone?

  5. I have another residence in VA. Landlines are a necessary as cell service is sporatic at best and almost nonexistance indoors in some areas. The residents don't want the cell towers.

  6. from another "older folk". some of you just think you know it all, but you are in the dark on many issues. why, because you don't think.

    in our area we get a bad or weak signal; hence we like our landline. duh...

  7. @ 9:52 am

    When the power goes out, yeah, my cell phone still works. When a tree goes down on the telephone lines, yeah, my cell phone still works. Think again and try your post.


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