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Friday, May 04, 2012

Hearing Speakers Seek Tax Hike To Boost Schools

SNOW HILL -- With a few vocal exceptions, Worcester County residents told the County Commission Tuesday that they would be willing to take a tax increase as long as the money went towards education.

The County Commissioners took this with a grain of salt, however, especially since there are still a number of potential budget pitfalls in the road ahead, including the continued uncertainty of state mandates and the fact 44 commercial properties in Ocean City are currently appealing their values.

All in all, things are looking bleak and, according to Commissioner Virgil Shockley, most people don’t realize just how bad finances are.



  1. I know how bad finances are - I'm a small business owner of a formerly thriving company. People are not spending money like they used to, but I am still over taxed and over insured. I have to pay IWIF almost $1,000.00 this year for a 10 hour a week secretary to provide coverage just in case she gets a paper cut. And the taxes just keep coming...

  2. Mr. Shockly, most of us know too well how bad finances are.

  3. When government needs money they suck it out of tax paying citizens. Where do we go for more money? I guess the answer is a democrat position - quit working and get in line with your hand out.


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