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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

GAO: Recoverable Oil in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming 'About Equal to Entire World’s Proven Oil Reserves'

The Green River Formation, a largely vacant area of mostly federal land that covers the territory where Colorado, Utah and Wyoming come together, contains about as much recoverable oil as all the rest the world’s proven reserves combined, an auditor from the Government Accountability Office told Congress on Thursday.

The GAO testimony said that the federal government was in “a unique position to influence the development of oil shale” because the Green River deposits were mostly beneath federal land.



  1. Doesn't matter. We're still exporting about half of all we make. If we produced more, we would only export more.

  2. lol, "recoverable" does not = profitable. Not to mention I think the locals and folks down stream would like to be able to drink their water and keep those hydroelectric dams they spent 100's of millions on running.

  3. Wait a minute...I heard Obama say just the other day that we only had 2 percent of the worlds supply but consume half of the worlds oil. Guess I heard it wrong? Where's that dang hearing aid...

  4. and you actually believe Nobama?

  5. We should be drilling for this oil and it ALL stays here in America. We wouldn't need the electric cars (which also need energy to run). We would be able to have inexpensive gas (if the oil company execs weren't so GREEDY), we would be able to heat and cool our homes with minimal cost. We would be able to travel throughout our great country with relative ease and much enjoyment. Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful!! It does not have to be a pipedream..

  6. We should drill for our own oil, refine our own fuels, move slowely and steadily toward renewable energy and let every other nation do the same or rot on their own inabilities. It's not our job to provide energy for anyone else. Trade with other nations should be made only if our needs are comfortably met.

  7. 12:41 and 1:22;

    You spoke a mouth full of half-baked crud right there. Unfortunately its the kind of crud that folks here consider red meat.

    #1 The only way to make this "our" oil would be for Big Government to confiscate the resources of the private firms that drill and force them to only use that oil in the US. Aren't you guys against this type of socialist dictatorship?

    #2 Do any of you clowns read up on these issues before you speak. Having the oil there in the rocks does not mean it's a readily available resource. Sheesh, even 30 sec. of fact checking can go a long way.


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