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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Full Rights for Terrorists in U.S. Courts?

Former government attorneys and defense experts fear that foreign terrorists could capitalize on a new House proposal that would afford them full protection under the U.S. legal system, potentially spurring a domestic influx of would-be terrorists who may seek to exploit the legal loophole.

The amendment, spearheaded by Reps. Justin Amash (R., Mich.) and Adam Smith (D., Wash), would implement an unprecedented reversal in longstanding U.S. policy by requiring that terrorists be prosecuted in civilian courts—a shift that would also allow them to be housed among general inmates in American prisons.

The amendment would prevent the president from effectively fighting the war on terror, thereby posing a serious threat to the country’s national security, experts warn.



  1. How can the president fight terrorism when he is a known terrorist and protects the muslim religion?

  2. WAIT, how the f do we give them full rights in courts for being terrorists yet if you are an American you can be held with no trial for thinking of being a terrorist?

  3. Seems to me, they want the terrorist to come here so they will harm us and then they can use that to take our liberties...

  4. Exactly 4:57!
    And when that doesn't happen, they manufacture a plot with a dumb hole they psychologically subvert with a position of authority then TA DA!
    Media blitz propaganda stunt to scare everyone.
    B.S. >
    Try living in Israel, where rockets rain down daily from REAL Hezbollah and palestinian Muslim terrorists.
    They deserve the bare minimum of rights afforded by the Geneva convention. Period.

  5. We don't negotiate with terrorists...or used to not. Why would they have ANY rights here in this country? Legal or otherwise?

  6. 3 squares & A 6x6 room with bars on windows & door is their only "right".


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