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Friday, May 04, 2012

A Different Perspective


  1. How about thanking everyone involved in the mission, including the President.

  2. How about or President feeds us some better crap to get re elected besides "Hey, I caught Bin Laden."

  3. Amen.He just watched from a "Situation Room" Our soldiers deserve the credit.

  4. So, Alex would like to honor this president for willfully violating a nuclear nations sovereignty with our military force against all rules of international law?

  5. Anon 10:30 - I guess Obama should have landed on a flight deck and personally dumped Osama's body overboard with a Mission Accomplished sign. Would that improve his image?

    This feigned outrage by the right of using Osama as a talking point in the election is sad. Bush did, Clinton did it, others have done it. If you want to cast a verbal net, be ready to defend everything you are going to catch.

  6. This is not about what other Presidents did. We need a President who is willing to think outside of the box while looking out for the Nation's best interests. To date, Obama has failed to do this and our nation is in dire trouble. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing day after day but expecting different results.

  7. Ohh, A-men John H.--10:58 AM!!!!

    You have hit the "nail where it belongs!!"

    Thank you!!

  8. They were SEALs not Soldiers.

  9. This will back fire on the Comedian "N" Chief soon enough

  10. I just don't understand. Don't we give Truman credit for ending WWII? He certainly did, with his decision to use The Bomb on Japan.

    Don't we give credit to Abraham Lincoln for maintaining the Union?

    Don't we give credit to George Washington for beating the British?

    Does anyone think any of these guys actually pulled the trigger? Are all three of these clowns?

  11. 1:12 Washington did beat the British. He was General Washington at the time and had not been elected president.

    Also thank you 12:36 the men that accomplished the mission were sailors not soldiers.

  12. obama did what was expected of a president; nothing more, this was his job. a hero doesn't brag. the faux prez is a jerk; not a hero.

  13. He should get the credit along with everyone else. He is the CIC for crying out loud.

    He also has thanked and congratulated those who accomplished this mission.

    I remember the Cheney's saying that President wouldn't keep us safe, and yet he has done what the last administration couldn't (or wouldn't) do.

    Now the right wing is mad...Now they are screaming foul...Now they are just screaming. Shame

  14. Give credit where credit is due. Geo Bush setup the policies that enabled the military to find Bin Laden. Anyone could have said kill him. Actually it might have been better to have captured him.


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