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Thursday, May 24, 2012


Construction for new Bennett Middle School receives $10 million from State

May 24, 2012
-- Salisbury, MD Delegate Norman Conway, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, met today with Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt and his staff to inform them that the State Board of Public Works has approved more than $10.8 million in school construction funding for Wicomico County for the coming fiscal year. Topping the list of projects to be funded is the new Bennett Middle School, which will receive $10 million in State support. Another $808,000 was approved for various capital projects at Delmar Elementary School and Pittsville Elementary and Middle School.

County Executive Pollitt expressed his gratitude to the State for the appropriation and especially to Delegate Conway for “extraordinary efforts” that led to the funding for Bennett Middle School. Pollitt said, “When we started the process, the State allocated about $4 million for Bennett Middle. Norm’s diligence in reaching out to the members of the Interagency Committee on School Construction and the Board of Public Works convinced them of the need and the importance of this crucial project for our school system.” Construction of a new Bennett Middle School and completion of James M. Bennett High has been a priority for Pollitt for several years, going back to his service on the Board of Education.

The Board of Public Works consists of Governor Martin O’Malley, Comptroller Peter Franchot and State Treasurer Nancy Kopp.

Earlier this year, the County Executive and members of the Board of Education traveled to Annapolis to request additional funding for FY2013 school construction projects after County Council members voted to send a letter of intent to complete the Bennett Middle School/James M. Bennett High School project.

The importance of a quality education is fundamental to Pollitt’s overarching vision of ‘Building Bridges – Building Community’ to engage all citizens. In addition to meeting the Maintenance of Effort baseline of $36.4 million in education funding, an additional $517,830 over MOE was included in Pollitt’s proposed operating budget, as requested by the Board of Education. Additionally, the County Executive's proposed Capital Improvements Budget for FY 2013 includes the following investments for schools:

· Three-year commitment of County capital funding for Bennett Middle School-- $33,942,666
· First-year funding to support Bennett Middle School -- $300,000
· Funding for additional school capital improvement projects-- $373,700

Pollitt emphasized that none of this success would have been possible without the strong partnership that exists between Wicomico County and the State government. “All areas of government services have been hit hard by the Recession, particularly our public school systems,” Pollitt said, “However, by working cooperatively and with a sense of team, we have been able to craft a budget and secure a much-needed capital program that meets our immediate needs and opens the way for more progress to come. I cannot over-state the importance of a positive working relationship among our stakeholders and this latest action by the Board of Public Works is a perfect example.”


  1. This is a "success"? The State takes money out of Teacher Pension Funds and gives it to developers to build a new school. What a sweet deal. Gee, free money! Wait a minute... Won't the County have to raise taxes to pay for the now underfunded Teacher Pensions?

    Highway Trust Fund, Teacher Pension Fund, which other Fund will be next?

  2. What about the other 60 Million plus for that Taj Mahal?

  3. Let's spend it on fixing roads instead.

  4. words are hard to find for this...

  5. AND, the GOOD OLE BOY SYSTEM is alive and well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. BS-My home value has drooped off the charts and they are raising taxes everytime they see fit.The very reason I will never support another DEMOCRAT again.

  7. At least Conway is doing something. I've been waiting for him to contact me for over three months. My ssues involve lying and deception by the special education department at the BOE. I guess my issues would take a negative spin against the dept. therefore Conway has failed to return my messages.

    1. 1:44 contact the Maryland Disability Law Center. You are not the only one who had been having major issues with the Special Education deptment in Wicomico Co. MDLC has many cases they are looking at in Wicomico. The more cases they have access to, the more they can help the students with special needs being underserved in the public school.

    2. I know there are several others who have problems with special education. The directors tell us parents what we want to hear yet never act on it. They need to clean house in that department an pirobably need to start with P. Adkins with the infants and toddlers program. My issues lie, primarily with her. Thanks for suggestion to contact MDLC.

  8. Oh, Norm, you lost my vote.

  9. Liberals only know how to tax and spend!

  10. Anonymous said...

    Liberals only know how to tax and spend!

    May 24, 2012 3:10 PM

    And Jim Ireton's response to that is Republicans Borrow and Spend!

  11. Well, we can still use it as a down payment on the 14 million we just got billed for the teacher pensions. Now we only need another 4, Norm. Get back to work and after you find the other 4 million, THEN go get us some construction money!

  12. I would like to know what other counties are receiving for school construction. Probably much more than Wicomico Co. $10 million might only be a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the state.

  13. The state is becoming flush with money at the expense of small business owners. They have hired a lot of extra Mosha inspectors who are visiting jobsites and shops all over the area and writing up any and every kind of violation they can think of. They are in process of putting a lot of small business owners out of business and placing even more in the unemployment lines. No need to ask how I know.

  14. So norm raises our taxes then Tries to make us feel good and say we get a new school. Please remember when this guy comes back up for election.

  15. Democrats can go to _________!

  16. Conway has a huge conflict of interest in pimping money for the B of Ed.

    1. Yeap he does. .1. Wife retired teacher ago was tenured to mentor other teachers after retirement. 2. Special education directors husband was/is Conways treasurer.

  17. If the Wicomico Republican buffoonery could find a worthy opponent, Conway waould not be our rep. in Annapolis

  18. I am speechless by the "nanny nanny boo boo" response below.

    Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...

    Liberals only know how to tax and spend!

    May 24, 2012 3:10 PM

    And Jim Ireton's response to that is Republicans Borrow and Spend!

    May 24, 2012 3:52 PM

  19. Is Fruitland ready for this? It is too quiet down at the south end of town.

  20. You idiots keep voting for Norman Conway and other Democrats. Don't be whining on here anonymously now.

  21. Anonymous said...

    Conway has a huge conflict of interest in pimping money for the B of Ed.
    May 24, 2012 7:48 PM

    Norman and his wife Jan are both retired from the school board(State pension). Jan now has a great part time gig making $500/day with the school board.


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