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Friday, May 18, 2012

D.C. Police to Allow Sikh Officers To Wear Full Beards And Turbans On The Job

Sikh American police officers in Washington, D.C. are now allowed to wear turbans and full beards on the job under a uniform policy change announced Wednesday.

The written change is said to be the first of its kind for a major metropolitan police force, though other law enforcement agencies have less formal arrangements, according to the Associated Press.


  1. I heard a comment the other day...Dad why do you wear sandals? Son because the sand is so hot..and why do you wear the turban..because the sun is so hot on my head...So why do you wear it now we are in Michigan...
    Good question..

    wear it if you want but tell the truth

  2. We have truly gone to the dogs.
    Sounds like discrimination against
    non muslims. Par for the course. And they wonder why there are hate muslim groups? Duh?!

  3. The foreigners have taken over.

  4. Sharia Law is next.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Can they also wear their Kirpan along w/ their gun and mace?

  7. The UN has taken over time to stop the madness.

  8. Sikhs are Hindu. Not Muslim calm down take a breath

  9. Unacceptable. The whole purpose of a uniform is that everyone looks the same. You leave your personal beliefs at home.

    This better not start a trend. I want to see this undone.

  10. Sings are not Muslims, you stupid rednecks.

  11. They told the Chief that turbans would make the cop cars go faster! He said okay...

  12. This is totally ridiculous and outrageous.

  13. Ignorance abounds in these comments.

  14. I guess uniformity amongst the police officers is out the window now. I forsee plenty of officers saying they are now muslim so they can sport a beard. When you think of it, its a little crazy. Even police officers and military officers of hindu countries dont wear the turbin, but hear in America you can do what you want and claim religous freedom. I use to think that Cathy was a good chief for DC, but she is just as much a quack as the rest of the politicians in DC.

  15. I do agree that 1) Turbans make cars go faster, and 2) a uniform is a uniform. Look it up in the dictionary. I think it means dressed the SAME to identify a job, class, rank, etc.

  16. Smart alecs claiming we're all rednecks, I don't care if their Sikhs or not. Point is, police officers in the United States need to look the part. The uniform is about honoring tradition, those who paved the way for you, and something GREATER than yourself, just like in the United States military. So get off your high horses, you liberal jackasses.

    And yes I'm well aware that our military forces overseas often change their uniform to blend in. In this case we're talking about police officers in american towns and cities.

  17. I can see the headline now;
    "DC cop on administrative leave after beheading"! "the perp brandished a halal hot dog and threatened the officer's life"....

    For Sikh's, Worthless talk: Bragging, lying, slander, "back-stabbing", etc. are not permitted.
    How can they be a good cop?
    Some Sikh's also partake in Cannabis rituals to aid meditation. I guess they'll have a smoke up room for them after their shift.
    Sorry for the sarcasm. Just trying to illustrate how ridiculous this is...

  18. Wow, such hatred and vitriol from all of you! So un-Christ like. None of you are Christian, I'm sure of it.

    I take issue with this. Yes there is religious liberty, and people can express that by wearing a turban and growing a beard. But this does not give them the right to tell any organization that it must comply with those religious constructs. Want to wear a religious garb? Fine... but be aware the responsibility that comes with that decision, that you may be excluded from some jobs because of dress code. This is NOT a religious issue/discrimination issue for the employer. It is a dress code issue, and I am ashamed at the lack of backbone on the part of this organization.

  19. So you agree cops have no backbone?
    (unless they have their gun and FOP support) and now a turban....

  20. 5:16 calls us 'stupid', then spells "Sikhs" as "sings"....not even CLOSE to correct. How extremely funny. One doesn't have to be a redneck to know that if you have certain religious or cultural beliefs or physical limitations, you are EXCLUDED from certain jobs. Can a Rastafarian become a cop, too? Of course not. Will we, as a country, EVER regain the ability to tell people things that might offend them or hurt their feelings? That just because you WANT to be a cop or a firefighter doesn't mean you CAN become one. (We already have 5'4" women cops who couldn't subdue an uruly teenager becoming police officers because thats their dream. They get called to a bar fight and have to WAIT for MEN to come as backup. In the meantime, someone is KILLED because her DREAM didn't include actually doing the tough cop jobs). That life is NOT fair? That everyone is NOT entitled to have or do the same things as everyone else, just because they EXIST? That SOME jobs have REQUIREMENTS in place that must be met, regardless of what YOU think is good, fair, equal, or takes into consideration your "feelings"? Remember, Alexander the Great made his men shave their beards so the enemy soldiers couldn't grab their BEARDS and more easily kill them. Oh yeah, thats right --- police NEVER get in struggle with criminals right? The first time someone grabs this Sikh's beard and whips his ace, will he then sue the Department for allowing his beard?


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