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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Daily Times Clutter


I was cutting through Priscilla to get to N Salisbury, and the amount of DT’s laying all over the street is incredible I would think that anybody who pays for the paper is going to pick it up and get whatever use they can from it. In that neighborhood, being the biggest eyesore really means you have to work at it.


  1. They are going broke but insist on wasting all this money on free papers we don't want. Keep your overpriced rag and stop littering my driveway.

  2. maybe they read it after getting home from work...oh wait did you say Priscilla street?

  3. Rhey dont pay for that paper.Its more than likely the one they throw in every ones yard or close to a yrd they can get.It causes a lotta litter.I complained about it in my neighbothood for several years,even taking a alotta of the papers back to the DT old office front sidewalk door.

  4. the daily times should be fined for every paper they throw on the ground, that is littering. They should put it in a paper box or not leave one at all. I have called and complained to them but it does not do much good.

  5. What is going on with this because for the past week or so, I've noticed this happening in Bishopville in Worcester county?

  6. yes it's probably that free paper that my husband and i like to call free trash. i went so far as calling the circulation dept at the times and suggesting if they can't stop delivering it could they put it directly in our outside trash can since that is what i do with it anyway and that would save me a step but they didn't think that was funny so i still have to pick it up and throw it away myself.

  7. I called DT a few years ago and told them i didn't want their crappy free paper and to stop littering in my driveway....never got another one in the driveway again. Sometimes you just have to make the call to get off a list...

  8. The papers we get here that we don't want nor subscribe to are bundled up in a pink bag. I say it gives a whole new meaning to the term, Pink Slime!

  9. In Salisbury complain to Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance about the Daily Times littering habits.

    NSCC 410.341.9550

  10. 2:52pm, I did the same thing. Except I mentioned that I already subscribe but if they wanted to continue giving me a paper weekly for free. We could cancel my subscription. Haven't see a free one since. I know the free one isn't a complete paper & not daily. But for as much as I read the Daily Times, it would really would do. Hum, maybe I should cancel & get the freebie.

  11. taking a alotta of the papers back to the DT old office front sidewalk door.

    May 24, 2012 1:24 PM

    lol sorry but I just thought that 'sentence' was funny

  12. I noticed the same thing in Nithsdale.

  13. I called and asked them to stop littering my driveway. They said it would take a couple of weeks to accomplish this. That was two months ago and they are still coming.I called again and got the same answer, and the same result. Now I just save a few of their papers and throw them in their yard. But it doesn't seem to change .Im at a loss as what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Let's everyone who is having this trouble gather them up and pick a day to all go to the DT's and throw them in front of their building. Internet says their address is 618 Beam St in Salisbury.


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