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Friday, May 18, 2012

Comcast to Start Charging Heavy Downloaders Extra

Comcast Corp., the country’s largest Internet service provider, is going to start charging extra when customers go over a certain monthly data limit.

That limit, however, is very high, starting at 300 gigabytes for basic Internet plans. Only a tiny fraction of Internet users use that much data in a month.

Comcast Corp. said Thursday that it will test charging $10 for every 50 gigabytes over that limit.

Comcast has previously limited use to 250 gigabytes per month, but hasn’t charged those who exceed that limit. Instead, it’s warned them, and threatened repeat offenders with cancellation of their service.

1 comment:

  1. We are getting rid of Comcast June 01. Tired of being ripped off and with poor service.

    I hardly watch tv and it was wife's idea to get rid of them. Suits me just fine.


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