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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Check Out The New United Nations Children's Fund Report On Child Poverty

OF the 34 wealthiest nations looked at by UNICEF – the United States has the second highest child poverty rate of all of them – with a staggering 23% of all American children living in poverty. Only two nations – the United States and Romania have child poverty rates above 20%. That number would be even higher except for federal life lines like food stamps – which reduced the number of children in extreme poverty by half last year. Unfortunately – with unemployment benefits expiring around the nation – and Republicans gutting the food stamp programs – things could get a lot tougher for children in America.


  1. It's just appalling that this country has a child poverty rate like this. If the food stamp program is gutted as so many want to do we will have children starving in the streets. What a great nation we will be then.

  2. There's a real simple common sense solution 2:57.
    Go to school, get an education, work for a few years, SAVE MONEY, get married to someone who hasn't a criminal record and has a secure job, SAME MORE MONEY, buy a house, SAVE MORE MONEY, then have children and continue to SAVE MONEY.

  3. 5:27. Yes that is the way it SHOULD be. The children that live in poverty did not ask to be born so how is it HUMAN BEINGS think its ok for them to starve or not have clothes. No we are not responsible for them but it takes a truly barbaric person to turn a blind eye and not care.

  4. We are so busy sending money to other countries to help them we are neglecting our own.


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