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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Caption This Photo 5-30-12


  1. What's the actual sign say?

    I love target, same basic price as Walmart with zero lines - get in, get out.

  2. Please explain! I saw one yesterday about Walmart. The men were holding the sign in front of Wendys by Walmart north.

  3. For those wondering, the small print below Shame on Target reads "For lowering area standards in our community"

  4. let me guess a couple of people want to uninize and it didnt pass?

  5. Shame on the 4 men that don't have a day job

  6. Supposedly it's an ongoing union thing (carpenter's?) involving long term renovation plans at Target. Not a clue about Wally World.

  7. Unions. Upset they aren't getting their hands on any $.

  8. yeah. what's this all about? i saw them there a couple of weeks ago...

  9. OK...but WHAT DOES THAT MEAN????
    (We've had lower standards in this community long before any of these stores were IN N. Salisbury).

  10. I understand that Target went with the lowest bidder on their renovation project, and the Union wasn't it! Looks like 4 union sore losers to me. Thanks, Target for saving money in tough times so you can keep my shopping bill down to a minimum.

  11. Caption, Answer is....People that never heard the cliche,,,,,pick your fights.

  12. They were at a auto center construction site on 50 way west of here a couple of months ago - this helps put it all together.

  13. No one can afford union wages. I see their man enough to put the word union on the sign.

  14. I get tired of the people standing in front of Verizon on Mt. Hermon road....waving frantically at me like I'm their long lost friend! LOL! Not what I want to see when I have been WORKING hard all day!

  15. The crazy thing is, the guys holding that sign are getting paid to do it!! Someone needs to go out there and hold up a banner stating "SHAME on UNIONS for trying to SHAME companies into paying more for service!!"

  16. what company in their right mind wouldn't want to choose the lowest bidder? ESPECIALLY in this economy?! unions have it made. were those guys willing to take a pay cut so that their company could lower expenses, thereby lowering the cost of the job, increasing their chances of winning the bid? i'm sure they weren't. shame on THEM.

    speaking of which, why is verizon on mt hermon road striking again? there's been people out there off and on for like the last 2 months.

  17. shame on target for putting so many people to work! shame on target for giving low prices to areas like ours!

    here's your caption:

    "unions are stupid."

  18. Caption:
    How many union workers does it take to hold a banner?

  19. Union workers being told what to do by George Soros.

  20. good for Target, hopefully the renovation will be done with no problems. Lowest bidder is not always the way to go; you get what you pay for. Union workers do not always do the best of jobs either; they're just collecting paychecks for the most part.

  21. Haven't shopped at Target for awhile but I'll go today! I will be happy to support them for exercising their right to accept the lowest bid for a job. Union strong-arming should be a thing of the past.


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