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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Obama Holds Off on Pool-Destroying Regulations til After Election

Just in time for Memorial Day weekend, in an amazing example of evolution, President Obama announced he wouldn’t enforce regulations written by his own Administration.

I’m sure we’ve all heard about the ADA swimming pool lift requirement by now. In order to make swimming pools and spas accessible to Americans with Disabilities, all facilities were required to install permanent lifts in every public facility, at a cost of at least $6,000 each, by the end of May. Locations with multiple pools would be required to install a lift for every single pool on their property. Of course, each lift would need to have a qualified operator and lifeguard on duty.

Beyond the cost and hassle of getting the lifts installed, hotel insurance companies weren’t even sure if they would be able to write internal policies for them. Needless to say, the risk of lowering a quadriplegic into water over his head presents a liability problem or two. The cost could be so great that most facilities would just eliminate their pools. It’s why diving boards disappeared (I still haven’t forgiven personal injury attorneys for that one). I can only wonder what would happen to water parks, since most modern high-speed slides seem a tad hazardous for people with limited mobility.


  1. How stupid can goverment get?

  2. He's holding back on many things until after the election. And not enforcing regulations? Why regulate?

  3. This is the first time I have heard of this one and I am dumbfounded.

    They do know that 'quads' are incontinent don't they? I would think that would be extremely embarrassing not to mention unsanitary for everyone.

    Every pool needs to have a lift installed? That's just crazy.

    I can see a need and a purpose for some disabled people enjoying the water as it has therapy qualities.

    I think it would be better to have a private business set up to satisfy these people and afford them privacy and company with same types of people with disabilities.

    This has fiasco written all over it.

  4. And just when did I vote for this? I don't recall seeing it in the fine print anywhere?

  5. Geez people. Not all "quads" are

    The ADA is the law that congress passed. You didn't have to vote for it. Anyway it seems that the people who complain the most are the people able to walk.

  6. How many incontinent quads need to crap in the pool before its disgustingly unusable to the 99.99% of the OTHER people? C'mon. These men and women have my deepest sympathy. But, life ain't fair. EVERYTHING cannot be made to be available or equal to everyone in all circumstances. Its EASY for some to say "they would like the pool too", but its usually the ones who don't have to pay the equipment installation costs, the insurance costs, or bear the brunt of lost business from customers who won't get in the pool or be back next year. In other words, bleeding heart pansie liberals who love to spend MY money in a feel-good effort to make everything "fair". Breaking news --- it isn't and never will be. Will we soon be taxed and forced to install GPS, radar guidance, and special equipment so blind people can drive on the highway? You know, the ADA and all and blind people shouldn't be denied the abilty to drive and be mobile just because they have a disability....and as far as the ADA is concerned, I can go to just about any business in any town in any state and find violations. Get real...

  7. I agree with a previous commentor about Obama holding back a lot of things until after the election.For instance,the Supreme Court sure is dragging their heels on the Obamacare decision.My fear is that the average American voter won't be able to see through all of this when the election comes.


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