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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Blog Post

Hello Mr. Albero,

My name is Neil Basumallik and I am writing regarding a comment on one of your article posts. I grew up in Salisbury and I find your blog to be informative and an extensive source of information regarding local news and events. Although I have not resided in Salisbury for the past several years because of college and graduate school, I still find myself coming back to your blog to stay updated on local and community news and I thank you for providing this service.

The post I am referring to was published on Friday May 18, 2012 and titled "D.C. Police to Allow Sikh Officers to Wear Full Beards and Turbans On The Job". http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2012/05/dc-police-to-allow-sikh-officers-to.html
From the comments it is clear that there is some confusion regarding the Sikh religion, a religion that has its roots in India and currently has over 25 million followers worldwide and over 250,000 members in the U.S.. Sikhs are neither Muslim nor Hindu and follow their own unique set of beliefs based on various teachings.

Overview of the Sikh religion: http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/sikhism/ataglance/glance.shtml
More about Sikhs in America: http://www.sikhcoalition.org/

I understand that the "comments" section of each post is an integral part of your blog. It is important to provide an open forum for people to debate both sides of an issue and offer their opinions. That being said, the comment posted by "Anonymous 3:52pm" (screenshot attached) clearly oversteps acceptable boundaries. I am not sure of your exact comment policy, however, I hope that this comment is a clear violation of it. I kindly ask that you remove this comment and do your best to prevent future comments like this from being published. While I am not Sikh, there are Sikh families that are members of the Salisbury community. Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.



  1. Neil,

    1. They are rednecks and stupid comments will always go through

    2. If you don't like it, don't read it.

  2. Best,
    Commander Neil of the Thought Police.

  3. @ 1:32

    Spot on, There are two reasons I come to this site:

    1. The informative local news
    2. To mess with the rednecks that somehow found their way to the internet.

  4. "While I am not Sikh, there are Sikh families that are members of the Salisbury community. "

    While I am not a redneck, there are redneck families that are members of the Salisbury community. They are entitled to their opinion as well as freedom of speech. Why are you even getting involved in this matter? You don't live in Salisbury by your own admission.

  5. Ignorant people who cannot tell a Sikh from a Muslim.Not who you want for your audience.

  6. 2:49

    Im going to guarantee that you have posted some ignorant derogatory remark on here before about "muslims" and "islam."

    At some point it is not a matter of freedom of speech it is a matter of respect.

  7. @ 2:49

    Redneck families? You're acting as if rednecks are some persecuted religion.

    Sorry, but comparing rednecks to Sikahs is apples and oranges. One is a religion, the other is a lifestyle that results from poor life decisions and in-breeding.

  8. 2:49....pip pip and all that! Sihks are ok by me and the very large majority of people. They don't follow a religion that commands them to kill every man, woman, and child who will not submit to the will of that fake diety they worship. That group is so absolutely stone cold bat shit crazy that they kill more Muslims than anyone else. Did I say they were kinda stupid, too? And they kill them in the name of their God! Sihks, as far as this redneck knows, are disgusted by murder in the name of the "religion of peace". Or "pieces", as in whats left of the children after another muslim bomb goes off in the local market. Or on the subway.

  9. I don't care if they are Sikh or Muslim! We shouldn't have to conform to any of their religious beliefs or ways. I am sick and tired of bending over backwards for them when they and the liberals tread on our rights and religious freedoms.

  10. @

    Does that go for Christianity as well? As far as I'm concerned I don't want ANY religion telling me how to live my life or interfering in the way my government is run.

    Unfortunately, many of the those that cry foul about Islam or any other religion for that matter fail to take a step back and see all the flaws inherent in their own beliefs.

  11. As the police will say "If looks like a gun, it is a gun". If it looks like a bomb it is a bomb. If it looks like a granade it is a granade. So, if it looks like a Muslim, it is a Muslim.

  12. The thing that strikes me as odd is that this is the 1st comment on a post that he found offensive. Every blog, everywhere that allows anonymous comments will inevitably attract the same amount of goofs that exist in the general population. I've seen a few that lit up my brain's WTF? lights. Never occurred to me to embark on a reeducation journey for the posting maroon. Never occurred to me that he didn't have the right to post it or that Joe should edit with my finer sensitivities in mind.
    If he's sensistive about his religion, he'd better stay in the hallowed halls of higher ed. where PC is an institutionalized religion in itself.
    Cruel world out there filled with long roads, if you're thin-skinned.

  13. 4:34 if you look like a redneck, you are a redneck.

  14. The individual that complained about reportedly lousy comments about some group in Salisbury isn't a member of that group nor is he a resident of Salisbury. He needs to find a liberal blog to complain on and maybe he'll get some sympathy.

  15. Anonymous said...


    Does that go for Christianity as well? As far as I'm concerned I don't want ANY religion telling me how to live my life or interfering in the way my government is run.

    Unfortunately, many of the those that cry foul about Islam or any other religion for that matter fail to take a step back and see all the flaws inherent in their own beliefs.

    May 24, 2012 4:02 PM

    And anyone that defends Islam in any shape or form is the enemy. You are to stupid to see what the future hold for your family. IDIOT!!

  16. Sorry, but comparing rednecks to Sikahs is apples and oranges. One is a religion, the other is a lifestyle that results from poor life decisions and in-breeding.

    May 24, 2012 3:30 PM

    Congratulations, you have won the most ignorant comment award.

  17. I don't know if he should be commended or ridiculed for sticking up for a group he does not belong to.

    And since the comment he takes issue with has been removed, I don't know what he saw that was so offensive.

    I am offended every day by ignorant and insensitive comments, both on this blog and in life.

    That's just a fact of life and will never go away.

    You have to learn to accept that, correct it when and if you can, but don't get your cape so tight around your neck that it blocks blood flow to your brain and decrease the thought process.

    I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are trying to be a peacemaker and not simply meddling in affairs, by you own admission, that don't concern you.

    Real wars have been started by such actions.

    Whatever the reason, you got your wish and the comment removed.

    Some may call that correcting a wrong and others may call that censorship.

    I am very much against censorship even when something is said that offends me.

    I would rather be offended and allowed free speech by EVERYONE, than to have someone silenced. Even if I don't agree with what was being said, or being offended or insulted by said speech.

    And I would like to think I am afforded the same rights.


  18. @ 7:08

    "And anyone that defends Islam in any shape or form is the enemy. You are to stupid to see what the future hold for your family. IDIOT!!"

    Maybe if you had better grammar I would heed your advice; however, your comment just goes to show every religion has its nut jobs.

    @ 9:48
    "Congratulations, you have won the most ignorant comment award."

    Congratulations, you have won the most useless comment award.

  19. beards and turbans has great importance for sikh. They have to keep this for their religious duties and for they proud.

  20. As a born and raised Eastern Shoreman, let me say, you came to my country, I did not go to yours. You should stop pushing your ways on us.
    If I went to many foreign countries, I would be asked to leave if I tried to push my ways on your people. We no longer have Christmas celebrations in school, because it may offend you. We can not do the prayer or the pledge , it may offend someone. Call me a redneck if you wish, but it is you that is trying to change a lifestyle of hundreds of years. if you don't like it, go back to your country where you can practice your way of life. You came here to have a change, now you want to make it the same. Doesn't make sence to this proud Eastern Shoreman, and veteran.

  21. To Whomever Just Commented Before Me:
    We are all Americans which means that our country is the melting pot for all cultures and ways of life. To blame any person for pushing their beliefs on you or Americans is totally ignorant for you to think let alone utter . . . and again, this goes to the last person who commentted on this site. The entire point of America is to delve deep into these new ideas and find ways to change and to progress. You can still have your Christianity but just not in schools or other public places where it may offend other people who beleive differntly than us. Why should that matter to you if you really are secure in your own faith and a good parent for your children to imitate ??? I am a Christian too, and you don't see me complaining. My Christianity is in my heart and taught in my home and on the street by me when I open my mouth and exemplified by me when I live my life; so, it doesn't need to be in schools and in other public places where it may offend someone else who believes differently. Why don't you open your eyes and your small brain a little bit and stop being so ignorant to push blame on people that you should be showing tolerance and love too !!!! You should be empowering people to want to be like you (a supposed Christian you say you are . . . ha ha ha :)) instead of creating an argument you ignorant, ignorant person.
    To whomever just commented before me.

  22. goin nuts celebrated their 24th anniversary. Be nice if owners thanked customers who were there and have been for 24 years. they only do that to their little circle of friends.


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