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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Arizona's Secretary Of State Threatens To Keep President Obama Off The Ballot Unless He Sees A Birth Certificate

Talking Points Memo this morning pointed to this interview yesterday between Arizona conservative radio host and Secretary of State Ken Bennett. In the interview, Bennett said it would be "possible" that he keeps President Obama off the Arizona ballot in November unless he receives "confirmation" from the state of Hawaii that Barack Obama was born there.

We've reached out to Bennett, but haven't heard back yet.

Bennett insisted in the radio interview that he's not a "birther," the term that has become synonymous with the conspiracy theorists purporting that Obama was not born in the United States.

"I believe that the president was born in Hawaii. Or at least I hope he was," Bennett said.

He just wants proof. So, about eight weeks ago, he said, he contacted authorities in Hawaii for confirmation. He said he only wants an email.

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  1. Obama doesn't belong on any states ballot he is a foreigner.

  2. What an idiot the sun must do something to their brains in Arizona.

  3. Yeah like give them common sense! 12:43 you must be a mushroom in the dark and fed a bunch of crap...lol

  4. Keep pounding this same drum, fools. You're making the road to reelection so much easier.

  5. agree with 11:49. all states should do this and do it now.

  6. The sun must give them clarity of thought

  7. Yes it does 12:43pm, it apparently makes them think for themselves, rather then allowing the biased liberal pro-democratic media to be their brain. I hope more states challenge his citizenship. He was a self confessed foreign muslim, back when he used to call himself Barry Sorento (there were two videos out there with him narrating his non U.S. citizenship and muslim views) with his multiple U.S. social security numbers. He is and has always been a fraud and a liar, constantly trying to hide and conceal his real agenda, which is the further destruction of America.

  8. Who is Obama? Sounds foreign.

  9. The liberals (like Pollitt) are so caught up in politics they will support anyone or anything that will get them votes. Power means more to them than honesty and true fairness.


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