Just days after President Barack Obama announced his support for
same-sex marriage, pastors and priests around Maryland took to their own
pulpits with their reaction– and in some cases– condemnation of the
Derek Valcourt explains the president’s comments have folks on both sides of the issue fired up.
Both sides hope the president’s position helps sway votes in their favor when the issue hits Maryland’s ballot this November.
“I think same-sex couples should be able to get married,” Obama said.
When Obama announced that his position on same-sex marriage had
evolved, it outraged some African-American pastors like Pastor and Del.
Emmett Burns.
“He has said to his base, African-Americans, ‘I am going against your beliefs and your thoughts,’” Burns said.
He’s so opposed to same-sex marriage, he told church members he will
no longer support the president and now predicts Obama will lose the
election because of it.
Oh i think they support it, but don't admit it.
ReplyDeleteIf they do, the support HIV and AiDS.
ReplyDeleteI hope the Pastors prediction comes true.
ReplyDelete4:16 why is it that everybody that disagrees with your POV is a closet gay in your opinion?
ReplyDeleteI am a 55 year black female veteran who do NOT support same sex marriage or homosexuality. This is all against my religious belief. President Obama have the right to believe in whatever he choose to believe in. As do I. Will I vote for him in November? No, I will not. I will not vote for any candidate who believes in same sex marriage and I will not vote for any republican.
Is this not clear enough for you.
5:05 You go girl! I appreciate your convictions however I wish you would open your mind and just listen to the conservative view point because I feel you would have a lot in common.
ReplyDelete505, would you also support a candidate who wishes to amend the constitution in order to outlaw adultery or premarital sex? Seems to me those are both pretty much frowned upon in the Bible as well. What don't you understand about the fact that those freedoms that you fought for extend even to those Americans who you don't agree with? You want a theocracy? Head over to Iran and see what they do to folks who do not obey religious edicts.
ReplyDeleteWhat candidate wishes to amend the constitution in order to outlaw adultery or premarital sex? Can't be Obama he ignores the law.
ReplyDelete759. If you fought for our country, you can voice your opinion vs 505. If not, leave them alone. I did fight for our country. I don't believe in the Libertine agenda and the muslim attitude of NObama toward our country. I will vote against him again. And, 505, can choose to do whatever he/she wants to do. He earned that right! I don't believe in same sex marriage and I too will vote against a candidate who pushes for it. And, I'll vote against the tax happy dumbocrats in MD. Can't wait to vote in November!
ReplyDelete7:59 pm,
ReplyDeleteI didn't once mention the Bible. I simply express my beliefs, taught to me by my mom, dad, grandparents, extended families and friends. I had great teachers that taught me to think for myself. The military taught me honor, truth and integrity. Civil leaders taught me the value of freedom and the right to choose. Spiritual leaders, spiritual representative and research of different religions I have conducted in my life tells me to love only one GOD or whomever you may think he/she name would be. My own life experiences taught me to treat others the way I would want to be treated. As for adultery or premarital sex, those behaviors have left me childless and divorced, due to his infidelities. I have learned behaviors GOD said is inappropriate are truly unacceptable to me. We all choose the path of our own destination in life. If you and others choose to practice adultery, premarital sex, same sex marriage and homosexuality, it is your chose. I choose not to accept those behaviors. I will choose to congregate with people who have the same beliefs as I do. I will vote for the man or women who will do what’s best for me, my family, human beings and every living creature on the earth. I will not allow one man or one woman opinions dictate what I believe. Nor, will I sacrifice my vote for someone who succumbs to political pressure over what is right in the eyes of GOD. Too many lies have been spoken by people in positions of power, in particular politicians of all political party. Their lies have created hate, wars and plenty of discontent. Their decisions to allow the very elements mentioned above (homosexuality, same sex marriages, adultery, premarital sex and etc.) has destroyed emperors and brought down society. What makes anyone in America think; it won’t happen right here in the United States of America. If one gives it some serious thought; it really doesn’t matter anyway, when it is all said and done. America will learn.
5:05 and 8:51, I myself am also a veteran, having served as an infantry Marine, seeing combat in both Afghanistan and Iraq. While I'm not a fan of Obama, I frankly don't care if people of the same sex want to get married. I fought for the freedom of American citizens, and if some of them want to get married to the same sex, who am I to judge? It will not affect me at all, besides, who am I to stand in the way of others' happiness.
ReplyDeleteFor all those who quote bible verses, need I remind you that not everyone holds the same beliefs as you do? If you believe that God will punish those whose lifestyles you don't agree with, that's ok; but let God judge them, not you. If an elected official does something you disagree with based on your religious views, remember: They placed their hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution. They didn't place their hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible.
Isn't it ironic that you were allowed to get married, your husband cheated on you, but now you want to enforce a law that says guys like him can continue to marry but good, loving, honest gay couples cannot get married? Your adulterer ex-husband has rights you would deny to same sex couples. Also, you broke your vows when you divorced him. What does it say in the Bible about hypocrisy?
ReplyDeleteYou still don't get it. My heterosexual perference and religious beliefs is not a we issue, it is an issue between GOD and me. Only. I was allowed to choose.
They are in big trouble for making God angry and mocking Him.
ReplyDelete12:08. Apparently you don't get that what YOU are trying to do is get the government to intervene in an issue that personal. There are churches that believe in allowing gay marriage, but under YOUR rules, they do not get to make that choice between themselves and God, the same one you get to claim. So if you, as someone who has been divorced, tries to get married again (against your previous vows sworn before God) you say that is a matter between you and God. I agree. I also agree that if two gay people want to get married, that is between them and God, not you. Not the government. But you are making it so. That is the hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteJust where in the Constitution does it specify marrying ANYONE is a right? This is not a civil rights issue. Another tiny minority making a lot of noise.