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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

U. of Maryland’s Efforts to ‘Queer the Turtle’ Include Lavender Graduation

In a letter on the website for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies at the University of Maryland, the program’s director touts the program as an effort to “queer the turtle,” referring to the school’s mascot, the diamondback terrapin.

“We hope you enjoy your virtual tour of LGBT Studies at Maryland,” Associate Professor of English and Director of LGBT Studies Marilee Lindemann says in her letter. “We invite you to see what we mean when we say, Queer the Turtle!”

The banner on the home page of LGBT studies says “Fear The Turtle, Queer the Turtle,” referring to Testudo, the name of the diamondback terrapin made the school’s mascot in 1932.



  1. Well then lets have a straight graduation for heterosexual students and their families and friends that support heterosexuality.

  2. Next thing she will claim that 2 roosters make a chicken, and O'Malley will agree with her. Give me a break!

  3. I'm with 457, whoever goes to "A" is baned from "B", and "B", which really should be "A" in the first place, is held first, since it is in the clear majority and the only one which will produce future college students and parents who will pay the bill, Butch!

  4. Rather than be happy with themselves and live their lives, these whacks have to do outrageous things DESIGNED to elicit responses to which they can then be outraged. You mean making a mascot thats been around 80 years into some kind of homosexual symbol, to include painting it LAVENDER (ever seen a lavender terrapin?) OFFENDS you!?? You must be a HOMOPHOBE!! THATS the only reason you're against it, isn't it? You are a homo hating bigot! ANOTHER example of a small minority trying to push their agenda into your face and then scream "bigotry", "racist", "homophobe", or whatever term will make you cringe and give in, or shut up. In a large part, its how we arrived at the wonderful point we are at in our country's history.

  5. I don't have a problem with someone living the way they want behind closed doors. But, I'm tired of this less than 1% getting their way and pushing people into considering their deviant lifestyle. It is offensive to me and my rights are just as valued as their's. I'm not pushing my lifestyle on them and they shouldn't be doing it to me. Just shut up and live your life to yourself. It is no longer "gay" to be gay. It is offensive when it is in public, period.


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