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Thursday, May 31, 2012

2012 Firearms & Ammunition Sales Exploding

PHOENIX, AZ --(Ammoland.com)- The lamestream media told you: Jobs are bad, the economy is bad, the economy is actually good, the recovery is on, the recovery is over, there is no recovery yet, we’re still in a recession, there is no recession, unemployment is terrible, you’re doomed, be afraid, be very afraid, everyone is out of work, the government is trying to make jobs, Obama is a good president and the economic problems are not his, candidates are running because they will create jobs, blah, blah, blah…

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:Gun sales continue to provide robust stimulus to the economy. The February 2012 adjusted NICS firearm-background-checks figure of 1,266,344 is an increase of 31.4% over the 963,746 in February 2011. These figures from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) are adjusted to more accurately reflect actual firearm sales, since some NICS checks are performed for states that use NICS to qualify people for CCW permits and for other purposes.

The numbers are not precise sales figures, since one NICS check can be used for multiple purchases, and some people, after a check, decide not to complete a purchase. Without the adjustments carefully performed by NSSF, the figures would be different.

For example, the unadjusted February 2012 NICS count is 1,734,646 background checks, an 18.6% increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,463,138 in February 2011.

The Brady Campaign to Promote Gun Violence was rumored to be nauseated that the system they instigated informs us that 1.7 million Americans sought guns or gun-related actions — in a single month. They didn’t like this either:


1 comment:

  1. Obama gun salesman of the year for Three Years in a row good job Obamie


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