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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Would $81 For A Pack Of Cigarettes Put An End To Smoking?

While lawmakers here in the U.S. have developed a habit in recent years of raising taxes on cigarettes as a way to curb smoking while increasing tax revenue from those who continue to inhale, officials in New Zealand are giving some thought to what they would need to charge in order to make people quit smoking once and for all.



  1. I"ll be smoking my $80 cigaretts while pumping my $200 dollar tank of gas.

  2. This is a PLANT. I can grow my own PLANTS. Go ahead and shoot yourself in the foot. we will all grow and share...

  3. No, it would create a larger black market like the drug war has with weed.

  4. How on earth would we pay for all the childrens healthcare programs out there that our lovely government provides?!?!?! Thanks smokers for sacrificing your lives for the better of mankind!!!!

  5. So a group of elitists in government are going to decide what the people can and can't do.
    "...in order to make people quit smoking once and for all."

    What will be next? High taxes on beef?
    How about high taxes on fizzy drinks?

    These people are dictators!

  6. Think its funny health nuts! When smoking is all but eradicated......the goverment will find a way to tax the crap out of vitamins gym memberships your health shakes etc...just remember .....it ain't no fun when the rabbits got the gun

  7. Home grown. Very easy and legal.

  8. Yeah they have a point, maybe we'd be better off living extra long lives without the social security our goverment keeps robbing.

    We'll all have to follow the POTUS lead, and start eating dog now?

  9. Can you spell "smuggling"? the MARKET will control this, NOT some government strategy of "price". If people want it, i.e. alcohol, drugs, guns, steroids, you name it, SOMEONE will supply it. The government CANNOT stop it. Thay KILL drug smugglers in Muslim countries and guess what? People still get high. So for all you "yes men" in favor of the most draconian penalties for whatever "crime" you have a personal antipathy for, take heed. You are a disappearing breed.

  10. If they keep raising the amount of tax that they add onto a pack of cigarettes and everyone quits. They won't get any tax at all. Sounds like Omalley. Raise the taxes and watch people go to another state.

  11. Just like our government to tax cigarettes so much it might be cheaper to smoke pot and pay no tax at all.

  12. LOL. How hypocritical. The same people who want to keep weed illegal, are crying about the government raising your cigarette prices.

    Quick stat

    Cigarettes: 443000 deaths/year

    Weed: 0 deaths

  13. I'm pretty sure there have been some traffic related deaths that had something to do with smoking pot. Also people get cancer from smoking cigarettes usually after several years of smoking. If you soke weed for several years it would also give you cancer; however most weed smokers grow up eventually, quit smoking weed and go out and get a real job and try to do something with their lives.

  14. no, it will create a tremendous black market for tobacco.


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