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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Who Is 'Racist'?

Whatever the ultimate outcome of the case against George Zimmerman for his shooting of Trayvon Martin, what has happened already is enough to turn the stomach of anyone who believes in either truth or justice.

An amazing proportion of the media has given us a painful demonstration of the thinking – and lack of thinking – that prevailed back in the days of the old Jim Crow South, where complexion counted more than facts in determining how people were treated.

One of the first things presented in the media was a transcript of a conversation between George Zimmerman and a police dispatcher. The last line in most of the transcripts shown on TV was that of the police dispatcher telling Zimmerman not to continue following Trayvon Martin.

That became the basis of many media criticisms of Zimmerman for continuing to follow him. Only later did I see a transcript of that conversation on the Sean Hannity program that included Zimmerman's reply to the police dispatcher: "O.K."



  1. Blacks commit hate crimes on whites everyday but the media ignores it.

  2. That was a very well-written article.

    I know nothing about the man or his politics and don't care. He points out that sadly we are going backwards in how we deal with race.

    I'm white and my best friends growing up were black (2), white anglo (2), white Italian (1) and white Jewish (1). I also had a Chinese friend that I didn't get to see as much as I would have liked.

    We didn't identify ourselves that way though. We were just boys who liked to meet up and play together, mostly different types of ball games.

  3. The worse is yet to come !
    Bennie Smith , business is going to get better.

  4. "OK" stated by Zimmerman can be interpreted as acknowledgment not compliance to dispatchers order.

  5. Zimmerman is the victim of Travonn Martin even in death. No point even dealing with a black person either way you lose. It's like jumping into a pig pen to fight a pig you both get muddy but the pig likes it!

  6. I am a racist.I grew up in Baltimore's ghetto.son of a single father city fire fighter.i also was the only white kid for blocks.all my life growing up all I heard was racist comments.and had to fight daily just for being white.i endured the same treatment that blacks did until the seventies.I know what they went threw.just as I know why the racism is just as bad on the black side.I walked in their shoes.they hated us for centuries for what whites did to them.just as i hate them for what they did to me.the point is its a fact that racism is prominent.and its never gonna change.and I don't care what people say.

  7. that freak was an over zelot paranoid in a section 8 housing development
    his past 911 calls and his leaving his home armed set him up only to prove how maladjusted his logic was and what a creep he is

  8. If concealed weapons were legal here, I wouldn't leave home without one myself.


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