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Saturday, April 28, 2012


While a group that opposes expressions of Christianity in public forums wants the IRS to use its formidable power to crack down on what pastors say, one legal foundation says, “Bring it on,” promising a “legal war” if churches are attacked on such issues.

Americans United for the Separation of Church and State Executive Director Barry Lynn recently wrote a letter to the IRS demanding help in quashing the speech of a leader in the Roman Catholic Diocese in Peoria, Ill.
The April 19 letter calls a recent homily given by Bishop Daniel Jenky a violation of IRS regulations relating to the tax-exempt status of the church, because Jenky cited atrocities of past governments, specifically naming Hitler and Stalin, and then cited the failings of the Obama administration.


  1. How and where do I enlist?

  2. Well, then the "Americans United to Separate Church & State" idiots have passed up their chance to go after Obama and the entire congress for even speaking of abortion; a religious issue. Oh, but that;s not their agenda. Theirs is to demonize religion and get us away from it so they can buy our souls.
    Sorry, not gonna happen. We will fight you until you go away and we will still be standing here.

  3. I get it... Christians want to perpetuate the fallacy that they are being persecuted... a MAJORITY group being persecuted. Churches enjoy tax exempt status, for NO GOOD reason. If Churches want to preach/get involved in politics... their tax exempt status MUST be stripped.

  4. Hi, 709, I'm 636! The churches have a right to adress the flack that is being thrown at their own congregations in the form of a tax, which is being forced to pay for abortions. It's that simple. Churches are tax exempt, and as soon as a tax on a religious belief is mandated, the taxing authority becomes unconstitutional! Okay? I think the church has something to say about that under the first amendment. The government can't have it both ways.

  5. Hi, 709, it's 636 again. Lets get this book out one more time and read the text. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excersize thereof;"
    Well, it looks a lot like CONGRESS has made a LAW that forces ME to pay a TAX that pays for ABORTIONS that are AGAINST MY RELIGION. My Bishop and I are not the first volley here, and your agenda is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
    Good Bye.

  6. Churchs keep sticking their noses in politics then pay taxs.

  7. Politicians namely left wing loons have stuck their noses into the church. If you're going to go after a church go after Reverend Wrights they are involved in politics.

  8. If you're a bigot admit it.

  9. 916, no. Please look at the facts that here we are being bombarded with laws against religious beliefs and self defense is covered by the second Amendment as well. Go suck yourself and God Bless.

  10. We are defending our Constitutional rights which every American of whatever religion has the right to do. Go suck youtself, again.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. It is nice to see how good, Christ-centered people speak to each other around here. Jesus would be proud of all of you.

    Great work everybody. Make sure you pray to God to have the strength do beat those you disagree with this Sunday.

  13. Let me see now. The IRS which is an agency that got their wings clipped for abusive behavior is now agaom allowed to persecute people who profess their beliefs. Since anyone who speaks out against our government is a racist, does this also pertain to Obama who is waging war on us and the constitution bit by bit.


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