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Friday, April 06, 2012

Tyler Perry Pulled Over, Accuses White Cops of Racial Profiling via Facebook

Tyler Perry's April 1 Facebook post about police pulling him over was no April Fool's joke: The highest-paid man in entertainment is accusing a pair of white Atlanta police officers of racial profiling.

Four days later, Perry's post boasts more than 117,000 "likes," 21,000 comments, and 12,000 shares. Atlanta police have launched an internal investigation, E! News reports.

Perry's predicament began when he admittedly made a left turn from a far-right lane -- a trick his security detail taught him, to make sure he wasn't being followed, Perry explained on Facebook.

Two white Atlanta police officers pulled him over, but apparently did not realize they'd just stopped Tyler Perry.



  1. Oh by all means, lets forgive this black man. We didn't realize it was Tyler Perry and we'll forget about the illegal turn. Surely we weren't profiling just because you admitted to doing something wrong. If anybody had any respect for this man, I hope you just threw it out the window. Just another case of why racial tensions are high.

  2. Running a red sign or ight is a good trick to see if you're being followed too. Go for it Tyler! Maybe it will shut you up.

  3. 90% of all crimes are committed by 20% of the population. I wouldn't call it profiling , I'd call it smart , he broke the law .

  4. Sounds to me the Obamie adminstration is trying their best to win votes by slandering the whites. I fully expected this crap , the only way he can win is to lie again.

  5. He needs to suck it up.
    Act like a man and take your medicine. You broke the law. Does the law not apply to rich black folks?
    Time for the racial cards to be shut down. It is getting very old.
    It tends to make one Prejudice if your not.

  6. What's the big deal with Perry anyway? Is he somebody important?

  7. Racial profiling. Uh huh. Right. I'm white and I can GUARANTEE you that if I made a left turn from the right lane and a cop saw me, damn straight I'm getting pulled over. And ticketed. And they wouldn't go for the "making sure no one was following me" crap. Where was his "security detail" anyway? Sometimes its better just to shut up and take your licks than scream "racism". It makes you look like a stupid, whining sissy biotch. Especially when "racism" is being used to excuse criminal action.

  8. Pretty funny coming from Tyler Perry, a black man wh has made a fortune stereotyping and mocking black culture in his movies and TV shows.


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