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Monday, April 09, 2012

Trayvon Martin Death Won't Go To Fla. Grand Jury

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - A grand jury will not look into the Trayvon Martin case, a special prosecutor said Monday, leaving the decision of whether to charge the teen's shooter in her hands alone and eliminating the possibility of a first-degree murder charge.

That prosecutor, Angela Corey, said her decision had no bearing on whether she would file charges against George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who has said he shot the unarmed black teen in self-defense. Corey could still decide to charge him with a serious felony such as manslaughter which can carry a lengthy prison sentence if he is convicted.



  1. Looks like they will be marching. i think white peoplpe should march and protest everytime a black person kills, rapes or steals from white people. Why not?

  2. Well we'd spend all our days and nights marching if that'd happen. We'd never have time to work! Oh wait, the Government will pay our bills!
    Don't these idiots have jobs?

  3. lol, so now it's idiotic and a sign of being a welfare recipient to protest? you guys get loonier by the day.


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