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Monday, April 30, 2012

Today's Survey Question 4-30-12

Did you attend the Salisbury Festival this weekend?


  1. No Had to work. I heard about it.

  2. Nope, haven't for years. Not interested in all the drinking and many times, fighting.

  3. Yes, and it was a wonderful time as always. But as usual I'm sure the only people who will comment will be the naysayers with made up stories about gangs or some other nonsense.

  4. I do not support or attend ANYTHING dealing with the city of Salisbury. This formally great city is and embarrassment to the area and the state.

  5. April 30, 11:20
    You are right to a point, I went for about fifteen minutes before I just got tired of the "field of bule/grey at the event. Not that i have an issue with the officers themselfs or the job they do but the increased visability made me feel like I needed to be watching for trouble instead of having a carefree day. I brought my new grilfriend because she had never been. She is from Delaware and could only ask "do you really have that high of a crime issue in Wicomico/Salisbury?" We opted to go to St. michaels for the Wine Fest. So Sad Salisbury/Wicomico

  6. No, never have, never will.

  7. nope - travelled to portsmouth/norfolk

  8. I went Friday night and I must say the event was pretty dead. It wasn't the weather either. Friday night is typically the busy party night, but I believe Salisbury lost it's attendance due to the ghetto bands and ghetto crowds in the years past. Ghetto bands and ghetto crowds with free admission to a free party means trouble. That is why you saw the sea of gray and blue. As long as Jim Ireton is Mayor his liberal DNA will always be promoting and pleasing the entitlement culture.

  9. "I do not support or attend ANYTHING dealing with the city of Salisbury. This formally great city is and embarrassment to the area and the state. "

    Then leave. You're part of the problem.

  10. Yes. My son enjoyed the old cars. We bought crab cake (which was large), hamburger (also huge), oyster fritter from Powelville FD that was loaded with oysters and lemonade. Delicious! We walked up and down the plaza, listened to the variety of music, checked out the wares being sold and chatted with one of the local farmers in front of the court house where I purchased flowers. It was a little bit chilly but nice.

  11. I went Sunday, it was the nicest day temperature wise, however there was nobody there. I drove around the park and downtown to see only a handful of people at the rides so I just went back home.

    There will be other events, hopefully better weather. OC Spring Fest this coming weekend with summer type weather predicted.

    I didn't avoid going, I would have went to the block party Friday night if it been warmer.

  12. no , I was afraid of the SU students .

  13. What a shame I was the Chairman for this event in years '87, '89 & '95 and it was the highlight of the year in Salisbury. I have been gone now for 16 years and did return 2 years but I could see the handwriting on the wall. Just one large beer fest with college students. I started the reggae Band on Friday nights and they played for a number of years and the crowd, black, white, orange or whatever loved them and incidents were very few. But it is not only the Salisbury Festival that seems to be deteriorating but the town itself is changing drastically unfortunately not for the better. Hopefully Joe will take over and kick some butt.
    ps, do miss the oyster sandwiches and the crab cakes.

  14. Yes. Friday and Saturday. It was very calm and friendly.

  15. Yes, had a great time. The music on the Plaza Saturday around noon and at the Holiday Inn stage Saturday afternoon was awesome. The guy on the stage playing lead guitar was just top notch. The weather was a little chilly, but all in all, it was a good day...

  16. Anonymous 12:29. I did leave I live in Delmar. I grew up in Salisbury. My parents and other relatives still live in Salisbury. I was fortunate that I have the means to be able to move out of Salisbury. I am also not a coward and hide behind anonymous, I am not afraid to speak my mind.

  17. Because "USMC Retired" isn't EXACTLY the same as posting as "anonymous"? It's the same thing. To prove my point, I'm going to post my next comment as "Retired USMC".

  18. No. Haven't gone in 15 years or more.

  19. Jack K Richards I hate to burst your bubble, but your reggae bands is what started all the problems with the thugs at the Friday night block party. Now I know who ruined the Dogwood Festival for the City of Salisbury.


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