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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Today's Survey Question 4-10-12

Is George Zimmerman innocent or guilty of murder?


  1. There is no question of guilt, the man killed someone. The question is one of law and if it is actually illegal.

  2. Since the special prosecutor isn't going to take the case to the grand jury, something required if a person is going to be charged with murder, I would say the logical answer is he isn't guilty of murder because he won't be charged with it.

  3. Impossible to know at this point.

  4. innocent or at the most guilty of manslaughter, let a jury sort it out

  5. innocent of "murder". not sure what he'll be charged with, if anything, as it may be self-defense. instead of shooting off at the mouth and pre-judging, wait until ALL the facts are in.

  6. innocent or at the most guilty of manslaughter, let a jury sort it out

  7. I don't care. Let the jury sort it out. What I do know is the msm has turned it into a cercius.

  8. Totally innocent as well as not guilty of murder.
    Martin was assaulting him and he fought back and it just so happened to be with a gun, that Zimmerman was legally able to carry. End of story.

  9. He did nothing illegal, under the law. He may be charged with manslaughter to appease the masses.

  10. Well I guess the answer would have to technically be "innocent" since he has yet to be charged with anything. Last time I checked people are "presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court of law", although it does not seem that way anymore.

  11. If he had stopped following the kid like he was told this never would have happened. I think he is guilty.

  12. Anon: 11:45 check the recording, he was never told to stop following the 6'3 175 pound kid. They said we don't need you to do that. Two different statements. Also they had no legal right to tell him that. Second the facts already state he had stopped following him and was back at his car when he was jumped from behind. Based on the stand your ground law, there is no jury that is going to find him guilty. People should get the hint when the special prosecutor appointed by the Govenor has already ruled out murder charges. He is not guilty just based on the Florida law. Here in MD things would be different.

  13. How are we supposed to know when we do not have access to all the evidence? Anyone claiming to know innocence or guilt right now is a fool. The travesty that most folks like me have complained about was the rush to let him go and likely not seek prosecution at all. Now we have a chance to see the court do it's duty; guilty or not, everyone should be satisfied with that.

  14. I'd rather be judged by a jury of 12, than carried by a group of 6. I will stand my ground, law or no law. In today's society, self preservation is job one. You do not need a permit to carry a cross bow.

  15. 11:45, when the dispatcher told him that they didn't need him to follow Martin, Zimmerman turned around to go back to his vehicle and was then attacked by Martin. Zimmerman's story matches up with the evidence and witness statements.

  16. 11:55 you're right about maryland, here zimmerman would be arrested but not for murder for cruel and unusual punishments, since he didn't take him home and feed and clothe him, give him so cold hard cash, and support his habits! Like this state does for the majority of them!

  17. It has yet to be proved that it was Zimmerman on that 911 call, if it wasn't him, how could Zimmerman have heard the 911 person say not to follow him?

    Lot of Monday morning quarterback comments here. Justice must take it's course without the input of the Lame Stream Media.

    Creating a race riot would be big news for journalists. Big news = big money.

  18. A courtroom scenario needs to be avoided at all costs,as it will provide a focal point for protestors.I prefer a scattered,disorganized march where they are all going in different directions.A quart of orange juice and a shot of vodka makes a weak screwdriver.Let's keep it that way.Zimm is definately guilty of murder,but he does not typify the average white person's mentality.Speaking only for myself,I can't comprehend his actions.

  19. In Maryland the Governor would require Zimmerman to marry a gay guy.

  20. completely innocent of everything.
    convicted by the racist cnn, nbc, cbs, abc, and msnbc media.

  21. Well I guess FL being FL will pull another Casey Anthony fiasco. That case should never have gone anywhere after the ME couldn't rule on a cause of death.
    This case should also not go any further either. Witness statement corroborates with Zimmerman's and also the evidence such as gash and grass on back of Zimmerman's head.
    No need to even consider any more evidence.

  22. Innocent. The man should get a medal from his neighboors for doing such a good job protecting his community.

  23. Innocent and a hero. The guilty parties are Travon and his POS parents.

  24. So I guess someone called 911 and pretended to be George Zimmerman and even gave that name? Sober up and come back later....never mind. Stay drunk and don't come back.


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