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Thursday, April 26, 2012


Ron Paul vs. Mitt Romney: Voters Choose Paul as the True Conservative in 2012
As expected, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney remains the clear Republican frontrunner after five more GOP primary victories in Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut, New York, and Pennsylvania.

Texas Representative Ron Paul, however, continues to improve upon his 2008 election bid, pushing his total delegate count (which stood at 72 prior to Tuesday’s primaries) well past the 40 Republican delegates he won in his 2008 presidential bid.

Even while Romney inches closer to achieving the total number of delegates he needs to win the Republican nomination, Paul’s prominence in the primaries thus far has accentuated the ideological differences between the two candidates. Paul’s success in 2012 demonstrates the growing appeal of truly limited government and devotion to the protection of individual rights, which distinguish Paul’s libertarianism from Romney’s more traditional Republican conservatism.



  1. Bunch of crap...

    Ron Paul has won the majority of the polls its just the media agenda doesn't get helped by Paul so they don't put him in the media...

    Now that its just the two of them, they have no choice to use his name now...

    Either way, your vote doesn't count and Romney will be the nominee no matter what people think or say or do or what the truth is... Because the govt wants Romney and or Obama because they will be the bitch of who ever owns the world/America I.E money...

    for the idiots who don't research, who do you think is pushing all these liberty taken policy agenda on us? NOT Obama... Its higher than him... this has happened since before bush so that should show you its higher than the president... Secondly, for those who don't know, the govt will make a disaster or a threat to make you give up your rights willingly...

  2. The govt wouldn't make a disaster. You sound like a 911 truther. The govt cares about us.

  3. 6:25 What planet do you live on or was that sarcasm. The government whether left or right doesn't give two poops about the people. They all have their own sociopathic agendas.

  4. 6:25, I truly will pray for you. To be that clueless needs immediate prayer from all of us. Please go inside yourself and feel our prayers. If not, just curl up and die!


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