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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Salisbury Police Department Press Releases On The Zoo

On April 21, 2012 at approximately 11:00am, officers of the Salisbury Police Department responded to the Cedar Crossing Housing area for a reported large and disorderly crowd. On arrival, the officers observed approximately 1500 college age subjects within the confines of the housing area. The officers videotaped portions of the crowd for documentation. The crowd began to throw bottles and cans at the marked patrol vehicle.

The officers also noted that there was a “DJ” operating on a stage that had been erected. The supervisor on scene requested additional assistance respond to the scene.

Troopers from the Maryland State Police, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, and officers from the Fruitland Police Department responded. Off-duty officers from the Salisbury Police Department were also contacted and requested to report for duty. Additionally, “Safe Ride” was contacted and several transport vans responded to take any students away from the area that wanted to leave. Salisbury EMS was also requested in case any injuries were to occur.

The consolidated group of officers began an attempt to disperse the crowd by moving towards them requesting that they leave the area. As they did so, the crowd began to curse and throw bottles and cans towards the officers. Officers advised the subjects to leave the area or pepper spray would be utilized.

A deputy was struck in the arm with what appeared to be a full can of beer. Officers then dispersed pepper spray in an attempt to move the riotous crowd from the area.

Several threats were also made towards the sergeant on scene. The crowd continued
their rant towards the uniformed officers, refused to move out of the area as requested and the officers were again pelted with bottles and cans.
The crowd did eventually move out of the area, however; officers from the agencies on scene continued to patrol the entire complex throughout the day and evening.

The following subjects were arrested and charged for various offenses that occurred throughout the day which included a large party in the 1000 block of Smith St.

Joshua Troy Sanoske, 22yo of Salisbury, MD was charged with Disorderly Conduct, Fail to Obey a Lawful Order, and Disturb the Peace. Posted $15,000.00 bond.

Benjamin Price McGuirk, 19yo of Bel Air, MD was charged with Trespassing. Posted $15,000.00 bond.

Justin Arora, 21yo of Germantown, MD was charged with Trespass and Fail to Obey a Lawful Order. Posted $15,000.00 bond.

Ashton Jacqueline Wheatley, 19yo of Fruitland, MD was charged with Disturbance of the Peace, Fail to Obey a Lawful Order, Disorderly Conduct, and Obstruction & Hindering. Posted $15,000.00 bond.

All subjects were released to the custody of Central Booking and held until posting bond.

Publishers Notes: While I rarely ever make comments on Press releases, I received several e-mail messages from SU Students stating the Police were lying, bottles and cans were never thrown and that our article was completely out of line. All I have to say is, look at the information above Students. I truly doubt the next time around so many of you will get off so light. RESPECT Law Enforcement and do EVERYTHING they instuct you to do. Their job is to keep us safe.


  1. Who exactly were they keeping safe?
    With pepper spray and shotguns?

    I've given you to much credit over the years.
    Only an idiot would spout this police contrived story.

    No one threw anything until the mercenaries became aggressive. Illegally I might add.
    It's on the video's.
    DO NOT VALIDATE UNLAWFUL ORDERS FROM ANYONE. Especially these thugs with guns.

  2. I've seen video on You Tube and it clearly shows students throwing stuff at the police. The police did not disperse pepper spray for no reason.

  3. Yes, because the cops are never wrong, never lie, never would falsify a police report, and never let their egos dictate their response. Why didn't you know?.. it's Jesus Christ in that uniform.

    Now be a good little student and start acting like the second class citizen Salisbury has decided you are.
    After all how dare you have a block party without paying the city its tax.. i'm sorry, Permit fee. Lord knows you might hurt yourselves without governmental supervision.

  4. Joe, outstanding Post Script comment. It should also be noted that a Deputy Sheriff was struck in the face with a can of beer half ful and narrowly avoided being hit by a 2 liter wine bottle that was thron at them. These kids conveniently left those videos off of their website but the police have video's now from violators phones pursuant to the execution of a warrant. These video's clearly show many objects being thrown at police. Great jobs by those officers who responded. They showed great restraint and handled things by the numbers. They are a credit to their chosen profession. They deserve letters of commendation in their personell files. On the other hand, the students should be expelled. This action would send a firm message to other students considering similar behavior.

  5. The police were there BECAUSE a bottle was thrown through the rear window of a residents car. So again......your position is that no one threw anything until after police arrived?

    1. A glass bottle would not go through a rear window.those Windows are tempered.it takes special tools to break windows in vehicles

    2. Tempered glass does not take a special tool to break. Anything hard can break it. A glass bottle with any kind of force would easily break a rear window. All the tempering process does is make the window break "safely". (No shards of glass that can impale the occupants)

  6. 2nd rate college with a 3rd rate student body.

  7. Thank you to the police dept. for keeping the law enforced a hard job to do when dealing with a bunch of out of control entitlement silver spoon drunk rich kids.

    1. Would you prefer the kids from umes?

  8. Common sense dictates that with a crowd that large objects could be thrown and go unnoticed by some in the crowd. For someone or even a few party goers to say nothing was "ever" thrown is just plain old silly.

  9. Has there been a statement from Rinnier property management?

  10. All I hear from the college students is "boo hoo, boo hoo, boo hoo....they ruined our party. My eyes were burning" Grow up! You are now adults and are going to be accountable for your actions. Good job SPD! To the SU students....if you don't like it...go to school somewhere else! If you can behave we welcome you...if you can't GET OUT!!

  11. I lived at the Zoo a few years back and we used to throw massive parties 3-4 days a week. Never did I get in trouble with the cops, just listen to them and they're cool. If they tell you to leave, you leave. If they tell you to put down your beer/bottle, put it down. They don't go after people for no reason, trust me on that. Anyone saying otherwise is a fool.

  12. @9:17 a lot of the kids didnt go to SU. While we are at it lets see how many Cops were reported injured? How many of them sustained any type of injury? SO let's see there are around 2000 kids there maybe and 10 throw things and now it is time to spray everyone? People that didn't even know cops were there also were sprayed. Pepper spray is not a toy and can do damage. LOL @ 9:19 is so out of touch with reality he/she thinks these college kids are rich. NEWS FLASH 1 out of 2 college graduates are NOT EMPLOYED MORON. I guess the SPD has a spotless record and we know they wouldn't stretch the truth. I saw one video where there were about 10 kids surrounding a cops and he literally says one other girl told them they should spray the pepper spray so he did he had no clue why he was. The videos I saw were kids drinking and dancing, I understand they should have not been out there but pepper spray? You won't do that on Roger St will you....bu tthese out of control college kids definitely need to be taught a lesson. Partying is detrimental to a community that is one of the NATIONS MOST DEADLY CITIES.

  13. @9:30 be careful what you wish for. If all these "boo, hoo,hooing" students moved out of that crappy city then it would be worse off then it already is. And it is pretty bad....

  14. Umm, if they were conducting their patrols, they would have noticed a crowd brewing before it hit 1,500. Unless they were worried about making their traffic stats.

  15. Outstanding Job keeping control after being greatly outnumbered.

  16. This War On The Shore episode from over the weekend has grown into a life of it's own early this week while I was at court. The College kids are outraged at being pepper sprayed and feel it was unwarranted. a Salisbury Police Officer spraying into the air above the college kids, and the bottom is a still clip from the dirty bury video making its rounds.

    I was informed last week to take special note of this event that was going to be occurring because of the game between SU and Washington College. It is an exciting time obviously if you are an SU student and love your team as they are headed to the playoffs, and the fact it was the final home game and your last chance to show your team pride.

    I think the problem is that let us be honest here and cut the BS. How many kids that showed up for this event are die hard SU Lacrosse fans and how many were looking for a party and a good time at the last home event of the year? The answer is everyone was stoked for a tremendous block party to celebrate the end of the semester rapidly approaching and in my opinion the event was at a perfect time to facilitate those needs.

    What are the Police supposed to do when you have the crowds like these shown causing disturbances by their size alone, let alone the noise or drinking? The Police had the property owners come to the scene and try to help them get this under control by making the people that did not belong on the property leave, 9 times out of 10 the kids did not listen. I know you all like to party and celebrate and I know you intended no harm but to have a good time but think of the other people in that neighborhood that were unable to even leave their homes because of this event. How is it fair to them?I also want to add the students were also mouthing off to the Officers including the F the Police chant.

    I think the top photo clearly shows the Officer spraying the pepper spray into the air to help disburse the students from the large groups hanging out in the area. I know not every student deserved it, but when you are hanging around with an unruly crowd you are going to get caught up in this kind of thing. The Police did what they had to do to get control over this. I am sorry some students felt it was unwarranted, but again I ask you how was any of what this crowd was doing fair to the others in the area that were not feeling as festive about it?

    When an Officer asks you to move along and you do not listen, and the group you are with continues to grow in size this is precisely what they were going to do. They did not want to use the pepper spray if you had just moved along as they ask. I know it's not the opinion some want to hear, but come on you know they did what they had to do.

  17. Can I ask why those at pork in the park were not pepper sprayed then? Was that not a huge gathering of those who were drinking and partying?

  18. A resident of that neighborhood told me that the college kids were out of control.That same person also told me that they were indeed throwing bottles.Our police agencies should be commended for containing this situation so well.I've heard several estimates ranging from 1500 to 2000.

  19. ANy of you ever been pepper sprayed? Take some of that in your eyeball and then come back and tell me it was fair. You can preach all you want but you have no clue.

    1. As a matter of fact I have been in a room when pepper spray was accidentally dispersed and it was not fun however i at no time have ever been in a crowd of over 1000 drunk stupid so called adults and been pepper sprayed because at 11:00 a.m. i was too drunk to listen to a police officers requests.

  20. At then end of the day how much safer are the streets of Salisbury after this incident? I can tell you that is a big fat 0%. Just another outlet for cops to try and look important around here like they really fight crime or something.

  21. You think these cops made it out alive if 2000 students were throwing bottles. Maybe 10 drunk morons were so the entire crowd deserves to be covered in this. I bet if your child was there you all would have a different outlook on this situation.

    1. If my child was there I would kick their a** myself and the police wouldn't have to worry about it. And how exactly are police supposed to pick a mere 10 people out of a crowd of over 1000???

  22. "Anonymous said...
    Can I ask why those at pork in the park were not pepper sprayed then? Was that not a huge gathering of those who were drinking and partying?

    April 25, 2012 9:54 AM"

    Maybe because all those who were drinking at Pork in the Park had been carded and were not underage! It's not rocket science.

  23. Yes a bottle can so break a vehicle window! My friend's garage got broken into while he was home and when the pickup truck hauled off to leave he threw a small rock from his driveway at the rear truck window and it shattered and broke!

  24. Awwww so some people got pepper sprayed, 9:59! Suck it up and get over it! Life isn't fair-got it! Time you learn that now and you will be better off. If getting sprayed with pepper spray is the worst thing that ever happens to someone than they are lucky.

  25. The bottom line is if someone wants to have a party with 100's of guests they do it on their own property or the property of their parents.

    End of story.

  26. @10:12 have you been pepper sprayed before? It is hard to breathe. You are unable to see, and the pain is probably about as bad as you can imagine. All because 5% of the crowd were rowdy and out of control. Watch the videos on you tube if you really want to see what happened. The kids were literally dancing and were sprayed. You people will be next and when the police come knocking on your door and treat you however they want I do not want to hear a single word about it.

  27. So I was under the impression that drinking in public is not allowed if you are 21 or not? Maybe that is just my understanding of the law....but I am pretty positive that it is illegal whether or not you are of age. But hey they aren't college kids so they must have good judgement while they are hammered drunk right?

  28. Rinnier isnt saying a word his kid lives there. He is one of the ring leaders in that neighborhood. The majority of these kids are goods students. Then you have the little Johnny Cocrans who think they majored in Law at S.U. Now that is funny. Violated the constituion of underage kids getting drunk urinating in people front yards, throwing cans and bottles, being crude with families living the next block over. Cursing the police and citizens who wanted them out of the middle of the street. Come on I know you attend a podunk college but really. You dont get why this happened.

    How many lacrosse players were busted this year for selling dope. Oh thats right we are not talking about them when you say the cops need to locking dope dealers and gang bangers. I guess they did bust a gang. By all crying they must be called the SHE-GULLS.

  29. @10:34 you want to talk about a gang. I can take you on a tour of Salisbury and show you 3 different gangs I know of and I am not even a resident of the city. You are a total idiot if you think these college kids deserve WORSE TREATMENT THAN THE CRIMINALS WHO SPD ARRESTS. You wont see them on Roger St., you wont see them on Camden Ave, you won't see them anywhere near real danger and real threats to society. You know why? They are scared. But oh drunk college kids lets go push them around. Peeing in yards, trash on the ground, loud music, yea that is exactly what Salisbury needs to worry about not the fact they were ranked AHEAD of DC and BALTIMORE for most dangerous cities in the ENTIRE NATION.

  30. And law classes or not I can tell you being drunk in public is a crime whether you are 21 or not, so how many were sprayed and arrested at Pork in the Park? Oh wait that is a revenue stream for Salisbury better not mess with those individuals. But drunk college kids, oh yea an easy terget. I would say 90% of the crowd had no idea what was going on until the cops started spraying.


  32. It does not matter what percent of the crowd was rowdy. Drinking in public is not allowed unless given special permits.


    1. It would be a much more peaceful place to live in as a matter of fact. Little do you people that just cone here for a few years to go to college we live without you plenty and maybe a few fast food places would close down and we would need a few less bars. Oh darn...

  34. The bottom line if you treat the police respectfully they will let you have your fun, But when you get out of control they have no choice but to take control that's what they're paid to do. Thank you SPD !

  35. One day I would love to see the University pick up everything and move out of Salisbury just so all of the idiots could see how much the university contributes to the town. The university is the only thing that attracts and keeps educated people here.

    Without the students and professors you would be left with a bunch of slack jawed yocals looking for something else to complain about. Oh and crack heads, Salisbury seems to have plenty of those to go around.

  36. PS what police use as pepper spray is not the same thing you or I can buy in a store. It is meant to harm individuals to give the police a strong upperhand in an altercation. Not just make your eyes a tad bit irritated so you can run away.


  38. 11:17
    In case you haven't noticed that economy in Salisbury is crap. Most of the smart ones did move away because you college students were just to much to handle. You have no respect for ANYTHING. Maybe if the police didn't have to babysit the college kids they could get some work done. I'm sure your mommy and daddy are working hard to provide for you to go to college so you can party your life away. Time to GROW up. How much of our taxes go to building more and more buildings at your campus? How much money goes to baby sitting you cry babies. How much in property taxes has Salisbury lost as the college takes over more land?
    If the cops show up you complain. If they don't show up quick enough you complain. You are nothing but a bunch of whiners. Act like you have some sense and show people a little respect and you might be shown some in return. There are 49 other states if you don't like this one find another state.

  39. THese idiots really have no clue what SU and that student body mean to this city. You think things are bad now hahahaha wow what if this school moved out of town. Welcome to the next dried up town of nothing where you have to pay to live and could be shanked on any street corner. Call these kids idiots because they are trying to better their lives and have a good time while doing it. Sorry the kids were acting like kids. SU KEEPS THIS TOWN ALIVE. YOU THINK BREW RIVER WOULD BE OPEN WITHOUT IT NO. MARKET STREET INN? NO. ANY OTHER BIG TIME PLACE THAT OPERATES IN TOWN. NO. You all are hilarious.

    1. Wow we wouldnt have a couple bars. Boo hoo

  40. But keep knocking on the kids who hold your job and civil way of life in their hands. Next year when only 1000 new kids come and the school dries up and they stop educating the only educated people in the area then you will realize what they meant. ALl because this town is unsafe whether it be from the criminals, or the SPD who are just itching to look like they are actually helping this town out. NO ONE IS ANY SAFER THAN THEY WERE ON SATURDAY.

  41. 11:33 I dont have to find another state I pay just as much as you do to live in this one. I believe I am entitled to the same respect you speak of. But apparently college kids should show respect no matter how they are treated. You think the clowns selling dope on Camden Ave are respecting anyone? How bout the people shooting up neighborhoods? How bout those who are breakin ginto houses and hurting others INCLUDING STUDENTS. How about the robberies that go on. AND ON TOP OF THAT IT IS NOT EVEN REPORTED. SO yea when I start getting some respect then maybe you and the SPD will too.

  42. DId 11:33 just ask how much has Salisbury lost since the college has taken over more land lol? Next question please that is all I needed to read. HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK SALISBURY WOULD HAVE GROWN WITHOUT THE COLLEGE EXPANDING?

  43. They're lucky more of them didn't get cited for drinking violations!! Stuff like that will follow you the rest of your life!! Not all cops are bad cops... just like not all college kids are drunk partiers...

  44. All I hear about is shootings and crack heads. My GOD if things are so horrible in Salisbury why in the heck did you move here to go to school? Are you that stupid? Seriously don't move to a place then complain of hor horrible it is. That just shows you are either stupid or didn't do your homework in finding out about a place you were going to move to.
    I want just 1 college kid to admit the reason they picked SSU is because it is KNOWN as a party school. That is a fact.

  45. 11:46
    That is a good point. They could have all been cited for drinking in public. I'm sure there were many that were underage that could have been arrested. How about the people that bought the alcohol. Were they responsible enough to check peoples ID to make sure they were of age or were they providing alcohol to minors?
    If you are going to have a party like this you must be responsible for your actions.
    In all the videos and photos I have seen I didn't not see one bathroom. I don't even want to assume where they went. Who organized this party? Maybe we should hold them accountable for all the underage drinking and property damage.

  46. Anon @ 11:51 Most people don't know Salisbury is as dangerous as it is when they apply here and it has gotten much worse in the last couple of years. I have lived in Salisbury for over 20 years and the city is on the decline, if not for the college the south end of town would never have developed. The University is the third or fourth largest employer behind Perdue, PRMC, and possibly the Board of ED Salisbury would suffer greatly with out the revenue it brings this town. For all the people saying with out a doubt the students are lying and the cops are telling the truth you have obviously never had an encounter with a member of the SPD. While there are some good officers many will lie, cheat, and do anything else that they want in order to bully anyone who won't push back. Why do you think they are doing this to I won't say innocent but rather harmless college kids but they would never do this to the gangs that now run our city? Because the gangs that they DO NOT go after would shoot back.

  47. Comparing this fiasco to Pork in the Park is ridiculous. Pork is an event, held on county property, that is a controlled atmosphere. The SU party was thousands of drunk kids acting like they always do around here, acting as if they're the only ones who have rights or matter. If the police were called for destruction of property & they were told to leave, then it's on them if they didn't & were pepper-sprayed. I live next to several rentals that cater to college students (who else could afford the rent!), of which nearly NONE in several years can act as if they have good sense. I've lived in the same house for 26 years, have never seen such behaviour out of any other group of people.

  48. @12:47 SO you haven't been to pork in the park? Yea everything is "controlled" until something happens. I do not care if Pork in the Park is regualted or not it allows "adults" the chance to go out have some food, listen to music, and drink alcohol IN PUBLIC.

  49. @ 11:51 I guess you havent heard the news. SU provides one of the best educations at a very affordable price. I bet 95% of those students would rather be somewhere else in school because this crap would not have happened to them. Salisbury is horrible and if you don't think so go take a drive out beside Bennett Middle and see some of our most upstanding citizens.

  50. @12:47 why not take some other smart users advice, if you do not like it then leave.

  51. @11:51 if the news accurately reposrted crime in this area I imagine you would have a huge drop off of student population. But we know that isn't about to happen...

  52. Question - Why are you people saying this is public property?

    This is not public property. This is private property owned by Rinnier. All of those students pay rent to live on their private property.

    Rinnier property management also had no issue with the partying going on. This was not after 11pm, this was in the middle of the day.

    So, please, inform me of the issue again?

    Also - Because 10-15 kids out of 1500 decide to throw things, that means all 1500 people get pepper sprayed? Why not just arrest the ones who threw it?

    There was no megaphone, no nothing. Police act like they had no idea War on the Shore was going on. It happens every other year, and there is a party in the SAME new zoo lots, every. single. year. They should have prepared, maybe sent a few officers there to patrol the area during the day.

    Instead, they decide to bang their chests and flex their out of shape muscles(outside of a few SPD Officers, but thats another issue) towards a bunch of college students who help out with this city more than the likes of trash in the ghettos of salisbury. But, that would mean the police would actually have to put some thought and effort into their job. Its pathetic, really.

    Everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that the police around here do nothing except harass people.. mostly college students after bars close or when theyre having parties that are deemed too loud. Yet, this city is in the top 10 cities in the nation for crime.


  53. You dont think the police bully college students around here? Im a young guy who looks like a college student, but does not attend the college. I work, own property in city limits and pay my taxes and occasionally go out on the weekends.

    I get pulled over because of my seatbelt, but apparently I smelled like marijuana. Mind you, I had sunglasses on, my windows were down and more importantly - I had no marijuana. I begin to be harassed about wheres the weed in my car, who do I hang out with, when do they smoke weed, when do I smoke weed, yada yada. I then get body-searched and then without being asked for permission, the cop searches my car. All because I was driving my beater car and I look like a college student.

    But I guess the cop was just doing his job, correct? I guess so, if that job persists of harassing college students, because they are college students.

    This has happened on more than one occasion to me, by different cops.

  54. How is Pork in the Park legal? If you are 21 or not drinking out in a park is NOT LEGAL.

  55. 1:53

    because, money

  56. First of all, everyone is referring these students as kids. Kids my butt.... 18 - 25 year olds a young adults not kids and its time they acted accordingly.
    Might add that I was a police officer in Ocean City in the 60s and 70s and I know first hand the problems with large groups of intoxicated youths that want to spread their oats. I did not feel that I was a bit better but when I had a complaint from a tax paying citizen and told the crowd to disperse and they chose not too, there are not many options left. I too remember Kent State, better than any of you and believe me when I was of that age and a person of authority, especially ones armed, and they told me to move, I moved Any action other than that is inane.

    Do you think that by that time the police had been hassled to the point that they were a bit over zealous????? Walk a mile in their shoes

    We in Law Enforcemnt always said that it was a shame that we had to depend on the human race from which to hire officers so sure, there are going to be some that are a bit head strong. But you have to concede that all the students are not on the up and up and have a tendency to be a bit distruptive around the public

  57. Might add that I was a police officer in Ocean City in the 60s and 70s and I know first hand the problems with large groups of intoxicated youths that want to spread their oats. I did not feel that I was a bit better but when I had a complaint from a tax paying citizen and told the crowd to disperse and they chose not too, there are not many options left. I too remember Kent State, better than any of you and believe me when I was of that age and a person of authority, especially ones armed, and they told me to move, I moved Any action other than that is inane.

    Do you think that by that time the police had been hassled to the point that they were a bit over zealous????? Walk a mile in their shoes

    We in Law Enforcemnt always said that it was a shame that we had to depend on the human race from which to hire officers so sure, there are going to be some that are a bit head strong. But you have to concede that all the students are not on the up and up and have a tendency to be a bit distruptive around the public

  58. It should be crystal clear at this moment that the SPD is not capable of handling difussing any situations, this is not the first time. Their lack of training and education only hurts the students in the long run. Eventhough we students are treated like we're second class it is in fact a second class town with a second class police force and it should be noted that without us college students this town would be far worse than what it is now. Stay classy Salisbury locals

  59. Jack Richards this is not the 60s or 70s it is 2012 and that type of treatment is not warranted. You aren't even allowed to put your hands on students in school anymore yet it is ok to pepper spray them as you see fit? Your past experiences in law enforcement hold no value to what happened Saturday sorry to inform you.

  60. The cops seem to harass everyone but those who truely create crime in this city. These "kids", "young adults" whateve you want to refer to them may have been causing a problem. Yet now the party has been dispursed tell me what is all the talk about? A huge drug bust that could help the police take back some of the crime infested city that is Salisbury. Or maybe a huge DUI checkpoint that netted some incosiderate people who tend to kill others with thier intoxicated driving. Maybe they found one of the multiple suspects at large now for home invasions. NO. They are on headline news because of breaking up a party. Please people see this as what it is. A ploy, a joke, a scam to make you think the police are relevant anymore. Obviously they are being overpaid since they can only seem keep control of the college crime in the area.

  61. Jack is completely correct drunken idiots have changed little since the 70's.

  62. 3:22 Did you ever stop to think that if it were not for calls like this all those officers could have been doing more constructive police work Apparently there were officers there from about 5 agencies. You have a mind set about authority and I dont think that you mind is going to be changed. You either have had a bad experience with LEOs or just resent authority. Wait till you get in the work a day world.

  63. Why don't you students get smart and go out on a farm somewhere and have your party? Private property, no cops, you can do your thing, dance, sing, get drunk, whatever.

  64. 4:02 even as high school students we were smart enough to go out to the boonies for a massive party. They ain't teaching smarts in these colleges these days.

  65. Jack,
    But they do not. They do not spend time in the proper areas where they need to police. I do work. I am at work now. Please do not preach to me about growing up. I have NEVER ONCE had a good experience with a LEO, COP, TROOPER, etc., not ONE. Never once has a police officer actually ever been helpful towards me in my lifetime. There has to a be a reason that people do not like police anymore, you wonder why? Because they make decision anymore, they aren't here to protect and serve us they are here to protect and serve themsleves. Jack how many times did you ride around town on the tax payers dollar when you were off duty? Police abuse their power because they have no one to answer to. SPD will answer to no one about this. Of course they will say "We were being attacked, we were being hit with bottles" just like a month or so ago with the individual who "had a gun" and was shot....only to find out he was unarmed (troopers). I watched a video for myself last night on youtube and the police officer literally had no answer when the students asked why they were sprayed. You know why? Because they just acted out of impulse as if they have never been trained. Jack I appreciat eyou put your life on the line for us while on duty, but 40 years ago bares little resemblance to 2012.

  66. Where out in the "boonies" would you like the kids who live on main street in Salisbury go? So they all have to DRIVE HOME HAMMERED.

  67. I'm tired of hearing this party compared to an event like Pork in the Park. Are you really that idiotic to make a comparison like that?

    Pork in the park is a community sanctioned event. The organizers of the event pay for and receive permits for entertainment and the dispersion of food and beverages. The vendors that are there also pay to have booths there and have their own food and beverage licenses. They must abide by the rules set forth by the liquor control board and the health department the same as a restaurant would. They are open to inspections for both their food handling procedures, fire safety and the way they dispense alcohol. If one of them was caught dispensing alcohol to a minor they would be heavily fined and possibly stripped of their liquor license.

    Now, let's take a look at the WOTS party. A bunch of young adults gets as much beer and liquor as they possibly can and hand it out freely to anyone they want, whether of age or not. Then they all gather in mass and erect structures which have not been inspected for safety in any way shape or form, pop a kid with some speakers and laptops up on it and decide that they will party until they feel like it without any regard for the feelings of the surrounding neighborhoods.

    Get real. This was a huge party, plain and simple. You got way rowdier than you should have and then when the police came to break it up many of you refused to listen to anything they said and were both violently and non-violently defiant. Therefore, you got pepper-sprayed and it worked exactly like they intended it to, most of you left the area. The ones that still refused to obey the law got locked up.

    How is this any different than a house party with 15 kids? If you were loud and the neighbors called the police, the police would come and you would either calm it down or you would get arrested. In the process if you refused to obey orders to leave, stop drinking or quiet down you could be pepper sprayed. The difference here is that the number of individuals involved made every one of you feel invincible and think that you wouldn't get into any trouble.

    How would you rather the police have handled it. Obviously the following is logistically impossible but what if the police could have handled it another way. What if they were able to contain the entire crowd, check everyone's ID and determine the ages of all of the drinkers in the crowd (99% of the crowd). Then each person under 21 received a citation for underage drinking and anyone over 21 received a citation for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. That is a perfectly peaceful way to handle the situation. Is that what you would prefer? Be happy with the actual outcome. You got to have a raging party for a while, it got out of hand, a portion of the party got pepper sprayed and all but 4 of you were allowed to leave on your own accord without a criminal record.

  68. Why would yu expect anything but childish comment from kids that act like children, mean spirited ones at that. Like every kid say everything that was or wasn’t thrown. Thats why they call them kids......greek for ignorant little morons....

  69. And what would you expect from an uneducated hick on the Eastern Shore but this statement:
    "Why would yu expect anything but childish comment from kids that act like children, mean spirited ones at that. Like every kid say everything that was or wasn’t thrown. Thats why they call them kids......greek for ignorant little morons...."

    Very intelligent comment here folks, the edumacation yu got in sckewl must b grate!!!!

  70. Is the law, the law or is it something that is just opinion based? BECAUSE THE LAW IS YOU CAN NOT CONSUME ALCOHOL IN PUBLIC. But I guess if you are "grown" then it is ok to look past that becasue grown ups who are hammered make much wiser decisions.

  71. Pork in the Park is a giant party in the park.....just because it may or may not bring in revenue does not change the facts.

  72. Anonymous 4:51, where in this press release or in my post was there any mention of consuming alcohol in public in regards to it being a crime? Where does it say that anyone was charged with consumption of alcohol in public? I'll save you some time, the answer is nowhere.

    However, since you brought it up I will give you a quick lesson on Maryland Law. I'm sure you are an expert on law because you probably attended one "Intro to Criminal Justice" class at SU but try to have patience with me, I'm just some dumb hick.

    The property titled to the owners of this complex is considered private property used by the public in general. I would actually argue in favor that the property itself would not apply to the consumption of alcohol in public law. However, the street is another matter.

    That being said, you stated "BECAUSE THE LAW IS YOU CAN NOT CONSUME ALCOHOL IN PUBLIC." Well genius you may need to find a book entitled "The Annotated Code of the State of Maryland". You could acquire said book at the little building on your campus where they have all those sheets of paper bound together and indexed on the shelves (ask someone about the "library"), or you could search the internet for it. Either way you would discover if you looked in Article 2B Sub-Section 19-202 that the law is actually "A person may not drink any alcoholic beverage on public property, UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY A GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY THAT HAS JURISDICTION OVER THAT PROPERTY".

    Pork in the park, as well as rock concerts, hip-hop concerts, sporting events etc. apply and obtain that authorization BEFORE having their event and dispersing alcohol. If you get your $*^& together for next year and garner the proper permits and authorization you too could LEGALLY dispense alcohol at your event.

  73. It's occupy wall street in Salisbury.

  74. I have seen the videos and read the posts, here and the paper. I have also read all the comments...if you are reading my comment you have read all the others. I have been a small business owner in Salisbury for over 30 years. And in 2008 moved my business into the city. Business owners here need the business from the college, Perdue, PRMC, the plumbers, the bartenders, the dentists, the carpenters, the lawyers, thw LEO, the secretary's and every person that is capable of giving us their business while abiding the law! Why can't we all get along...support each other, try to solve the cities problems together and compromise
    Listen to both sides. It seems like a small group of college students think they are in touchable, that their parents can "bail" them out of everything! If they charge, and it sticks, some of the "bad eggs," maybe other students would think twice about breaking the law! When alcohol is involved people do things they wouldn't normally do, that is no excuse. There is a lack of respect from a lot of young adults in the whole nation! Me, like many people respect, the badge, other people and our elders! I see that a certain few almost cited a riot are probably going to be able to do it again if they are not reprimanded by the law! I do know quite a few college students and LEO's, none are bad or corrupt. Let's stop the name calling and hate and try to move on and work that this does not happen again. I'm sure Rinner, the property owner along with the police chief and students can work this out without all the negative feelings. If students cannot abide by the law then they should be expelled by the college.

  75. Our city is not your toilet have some respect.

  76. all these little brats blogging away in cyberspace. No one was RIGHT. The university knew there was going to be a party. The property owner knew there was going to be a party. There are always parties going on there and ANYWHERE kids without supervision congregate. T needs to be a stop put to it.
    The students whining about being underage to drink but old enough to fight for their country, i have to agree that is a long standing double standard. HOWEVER, when you reach 18 and are considered an adult, and then make poor decisions (like attending a party at a known trouble spot) you are broadcasting that you are still just little self centered two year old brats.
    The whole situation of student housing is a blight on this town. And more are coming. yay.
    this used to be a nice small town with a nice small college. now it's a wreck. The university needs to manage its kingdom better.

  77. HEY 4:49. Kiss my gluteus maximus, you pompous arrogant silver spoon spoiled little brat. Dis mofo attended Yale, and is from NYC Biotch. One day when when you look in the mirror and wonder why your pitiful little life sucks so bad, you can reflect on you educational efforts back in the little hick town school you had to attend because you couldn’t cut the grade at an Ivey league school. So you took up basket weaving and wasted $60,000 of your parents money so you could PARTYYYYY. Hows my grammar now you cancerous little polyp. Go have a seat on the sidewalk and contemplate the meaning of life.

  78. These comments are good. The Militia will hide and watch, at this time, taking no action. Please, understand, this is not a joke.

  79. 8:02

    How is it a trouble spot? Its not. Do you hear of any rape or murder or violence going on there?

    Didnt think so. Stop making stuff up.

    The only trouble spots in salisbury are the ones you DONT see the police in.

    Remember when there was a sub station on Church street? Oh, right, its gone. Because its church street.

    So they decided to put a sub station near the college.... WHY? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE BEHIND PUTTING A POLICE SUB STATION NEAR THE COLLEGE?

    Oh, right, so they can easily harass college kids rather than tackle real problems in this city.

  80. You punks were breaking the law, period! You probably text while driving, too. You are not above the law, so you better get off of your entitlement high horse.

  81. is the housing mgmt group that gave permission for the party being held responsible?
    the phrase "known or should have known" comes into play here. if u allow a party they should have recognized these possibilities existed and hired private security or not allowed the event to ytake place on their property. if the city truly wanted to fix this they would sue the mgmt company for all associated costs. all police agencies submit a manpower report to include off duty officers being called in, day and evening patrols, etc.
    Guaranteed the next time this wouldnt be an issue.
    forget pointing fingers at students or law enforcement. right and wrong on both sides. the culprit here is the mgmt company and if you really wanted change, not just a bunch of name calling this is how you should proceed.
    BTW, SBYNEWS should follow up on this. thanks.

  82. 1:27--

    I am not going to leave the property that I have owned and labored to improve for 26 years because of ignorant, drunken, inconsiderate students who seem to be here simply to waste their parents' money instead of studying and actually getting an education. I'm not the problem, and I'm not going anywhere, punk!

  83. @8:46
    I am so glad you ended up on SBY news after getting such a great Ivy league education. But my friend if you really were that smart "biotch" you would know it costs way less than $60,000 to go to SU. Genius. But hey keep up that Ivy league edumacation it sounds like it has done you a lot of good "biotch".

  84. People tend to be mad at college students because they pay to go to school. Terms like "silver spoon" or "high horse" are tossed around like we feel above the law. No I feel like were below the law actually. Sorry I pay to get a better education and try to have a good time while I do it. Question how many of you "grown ups" on here calling the kids the problem have been arrested or have a DUI?

  85. Actually Salisbury is pretty much a toilet at this point and it has nothing to do with the students.

  86. 1:44
    I will answer that. I have never been arrested, had a DUI, a parking ticket, or a speeding ticket. I did once get pulled over because I had a headlight out. It's called being responsible for your own actions. You should try it sometime. You are part of the entitlement generation. You think you are entitled to things you are now. You get what you work for or in your case what mommy and daddy work for.

  87. This is not a Rinnier owned or managed property.

  88. I am at work @2:18 do no ttalk to me about entitlement you are one of the idiots I was refering to who think just because someone attends college they think they are above you or someone else. I never said that and I treat everyone the same way no matter who they are. I am tired of being labeled as a silver spoon kid because I tried to do something with my life. Accountability....Who is taking accountability any more please let me know...our President? NO. Our BOE? NO. Our Mayor. NO. So you please tell me with all these blinding examples of awesome leadership that kids manage to think they also do not have to answer to anyone. You are hilarious, I am sorry you could not afford tution costs. I was not even out there. But you are right I guess I should accept respoinsibility for something that I had nothing to do with you total moron. Have a great life being miserable.

  89. Well Salisbury gets what they deserve. To bad the cops are taking the brunt of the problems due to the mistakes of the past city administrators. See what electing good old boys gets ya, getting your buddy the city bids gets ya. The city created this problem by one, NO Alcohol ON CAMPUS two, the CITY approving permits for this crap. (ie, hooking up Barries buddies) and allowing student housing to be built there. A central, ON CAMPUS student housing area, zoning changes would solve this problem. Except they spent 4 million on brick fence instead of housing back in the 90’s, so now the current issue is bolstered by allowing such a situation to fester in our residential zones. Don’t you Remember 4 to 3? The Howards. I do, and this is a SU problem send them all back on campus, allow alcohol at parties and problems solved. Every time you all have these issues. You hear absolute nothing nada from the university. The source and reason for all these problems. IN MY OPIOION IF YOUR OLD ENOUGH TO DIE FOR YOUR COUNRTY YOU SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DRINK

  90. Hmm, looks like 2 out of the 4 people arrested were locals. So does that mean half of the crowd were locals or that the larger amount of students have greater self control than their less numerous local counterparts?


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