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Friday, April 27, 2012



  1. A working woman wouldn't have a $400 purse, a $200 wallet or $800 to put in it!!

  2. Whats wrong with this picture?
    OBAMA entitlements!
    A 400$ purse? 200$ wallet? 800$ in cash?


  3. Gov't assistance abuse has been going on much longer than President Obama has been around. Unfortunately some uneducated individuals just try to bash the man for no reason.

  4. I hope the person who stole her purse burns the cards.

  5. No bashing here but this is no stereotype....Go to Giant or Food lion sometime....some of the gals using food stamps are carrying them around in Coach purses.

  6. Purses and wallets are oftentimes given as gifts from loved ones. Just a thought.


  7. Anonymous said...

    Whats wrong with this picture?
    OBAMA entitlements!
    A 400$ purse? 200$ wallet? 800$ in cash?


    Looks like Obama bashing to me. I know that Gov't assistance is vastly abused, even a blind person could see that. However these problems have been around for longer than Obama has been in office, and yet people any reason to try and bash the man, even if it makes absolutely no sense.

  8. If I were needy enough to have food stamps I would sell that purse (gift) and purchase the food needed.

  9. You're right, this is a generational problem. Many times while working at a grocery store in the 80s, we would see folks pull out the paper food stamps to pay for their groceries, and then put them in their brand new cars.

    While it may be more widespread now, it's not new.

  10. Unfortunately, stereotypes are reinforced on a daily basis.

  11. If you compare the average increase per year of the number of people on food stamps during the Bush administration (1.5 million) versus the average increase per year during the Obama administration (5.5 million) – food stamps have increased nearly 4 times more per year under Obama than under Bush.

    In addition, if you compare statistics from 2003 (three years into President Bush’s first term) with numbers from 2011 (three years into President Obama’s presidency) the number of people on food stamps jumped 111 percent -- from 21.2 million to 44.7 million.

    The food stamp program, known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program doled out $50.36 billion in benefits in 2009; $64.7 billion in 2010; and $71.81 billion in 2011.

    The most the benefits doled out in any given year under Bush’s presidency was $34.6 billion in 2008. The lowest amount was $15.5 billion in 2001.

  12. DJ, if "loved ones" were going to give a gift to a family member on Food Stamps, wouldn't they give them food, a coat, or something that could help them? An expensive purse and wallet doesn't help anyone. Stop being part of the problem by making excuses. It is a reality that these folks are getting over on the backs of the taxpayers. You can't take chicken crap and make chicken salad. It is what it is. Until we are all able to talk about the real problem without fear of sounding politically incorrect, the problem will never be solved.

  13. @ 3:29 Yes it is Obama bashing and deservedly so fool. Sit up straight and pay attention!

    Even the criminal aliens can qualify, geez, they can not even speak a word of english and have people like Julia Foxwell advocate for them through the process.
    I'd call that aiding and abetting criminal activity. She should be in jail for this as she KNOWS they are illegal.
    Not to mention the welfare child producers that refuse to work or are just to stupid to hold a job.

  14. It would be wise to go back and look at the massive expansion of the Food Stamp program that was insisted upon by both Democratic and Republican Senators and Representatives from farming states that took place in the mid-2000's before you lay the blame at the feet of Obama.

  15. I found out from a friend who is a foster parent, that the "Birth Mother" retains all of her food assistance, cash assistance, and medical benefits, while the children are in foster care...There is no reduction in benefits. Meanwhile the state is also paying the foster parent to take care of the child(ren), and the only thing foster parents get is their medical cards. The birth mother receives the same amount each month without her children, and its is actually more than what the state pays in a stipend to the foster parents.

  16. I bet she also had a new car, fresh hairdo and parlor painted fingernails. This has become the modern day American success story.

  17. To 4:24...That is not true in Maryland. Once a child is placed in Foster Care, the natural parent can only receive assistance for themselves. The Foster Parent is the legal guardian and is able to get all of the assistance available to them and the child placed in their care.Your friend may be misinformed and needs to contact her social worker asap.

  18. Remember, This is the home of the "Free". Just goes to show how the meaning of a word can be convoluted and changed by people to justify their own ambitions.

  19. Remember, This is the home of the "Free". Just goes to show how the meaning of a word can be convoluted and changed by people to justify their own ambitions.

  20. and I guess no one has heard of knock off purses? nyc has whole blocks selling them and other things. you have no more idea of them being real coach bags just as I have no real idea they are knock offs. it's called speculation.

  21. no actually they will try and get their car insurance to cover it... it was stolen from inside the car so they say... id be ashamed to even put that crap in the paper...

  22. Purse in a locked car? No report of damage to the car? How did it get stolen? Is she trying to collect insurance? Lot of questions.

  23. Then there is the question of:

    a) did the newspaper report correctly or was this in the Daily Times?

    b) did the woman tell the truth about the value of things or did she think she'd get more from insurance with that claim?

    never take anything at face value.

    i feel sorry for the people who truly need assistance and use it wisely. they get screwed by people who abuse the system.

  24. dang..well this just gives welfare recipients a bad name! :)
    Also...Almost no one actually buys a REAL Coach bag these days. Knock offs are cheap. But then that's a whole other issue, ain't it???


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