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Friday, April 13, 2012

Part II – Paul Supporters: Why Our Political Future Is In the GOP

So What is the Future for Liberty in Our Closed Political Monopoly?

Let's take over the GOP from the inside rather than fight them in a rigged election process where third-party candidates are hidden by a news blackout enforced by both parties and the main street news media. For example, how many times have the national LP candidates been in a debate with the candidates of the GOP or Democrats? Contrast this with Paul's repeated debate inclusion during the 2012 primary season.

Americans historically do not vote for third-party presidential candidates in the general election. At the end of this election will we be remembered and feared as a 15% voting block that is taking over the GOP one county at a time from the good ol' boy establishment or do we fall for the third-party attraction and receive a meaningless one time few percent of the national vote in November?

Our one chance for ultimate victory is to take advantage of the GOP party rules used for years to rally conservative and free-market voters at election time. Of course, they then dismiss us after election day until the next siren call for voters to support a GOP with less government rhetoric but, in fact, almost a mirror image of the socialist Democrats. Like the unions and liberal voting blocks of the Democrats, we are considered little more than voting cannon fodder to be used at election time.

In my opinion, a rush to the Libertarian Party or another third party if Ron Paul doesn't win the GOP presidential nomination is a big mistake that could dramatically weaken the power and cripple the future viability of his liberty movement. I personally will not even consider voting for Romney unless he picks Ron or Rand Paul as his VP candidate, and if it is Rand, Ron is offered a top cabinet position as Secretary of the Treasury etc.

Note, I'm certainly not urging Paul supporters to support a Romney/Paul ticket; rather, I'm keeping my options open in order to provide the maximum leverage to Paul forces at the convention by categorically stating, "No Paul = No Vote For the Republican Ticket in November."

Second, no meaningless gestures like a prime convention-speaking slot or influence over the party platform will buy my support. I suggest you do the same until after the GOP convention, and then let your conscience be your guide.



  1. Anyone throwing their allegiance behind either side of the aisle has officially thrown the US over the cliff. We need to hold all of these guys feet to the fire and stop them from taking all of our votes for granted. We see too many elections won based off of dog whistles and catch phrases instead of sound fact-driven policies.

  2. Don't you all realize by now that your VOTE doesn't count?????

    It is all rigged, PERIOD!!!

    If your choosing between he two evils and the govt put those two evils there to be voted on and no other, then yuor vote doesn't count... because either way the man they need to want will be in the house, dem or repub...

    If the voting turns out 51% to 49% then yuor vote doesn't count... The voting has been 52& to 49% every election since like around 2000...

    When they say, like in the bush elections, don't count votes who clearly see marked who they wanted but because the machine didn't put the whole all the way through but just partially, then yuor vote doesn't count...

    Just like in the primaries where a group of people couldn't vote cuz of weather, they would not add the votes in with the rest to show Ron Paul won instead Romney did... Your vote doesn't count...

    When the then governor of Florida wants a guy to program self eating software for voting machines, then your vote sure as hell doesn't count... Brings us back to the 51% to 49% thing again...

    When you vote out one side, because of the damage they do and yet they still force laws down your throat then your vote doesn't count...


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