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Monday, April 23, 2012

The One Graphic You Need To See For 2012


  1. This is simply amazing. What is most amazing is the fact that no one is outraged about it.

  2. needs to go viral

  3. I talk to people about this all the time but few seem to care...they are more interested in Brad and Angelina getting married or who won American Idol

  4. That's how I see it 12:05 and 6:58. No one seems to care!! Anytime I make a comment about the downfall of this country, people call me a pessimist and/or a nut! The facts are the facts. This president has done NOTHING for the American people. That is because he wants to destroy this country from within and make it the Socialist Obama Republic.

  5. Imagine if Joe got his Palin wish.... Wow! She would've renamed the country to Americastan by now.


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