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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Obama's Fallon Appearance Violated Campaign Law

Last night, President Obama appeared on Jimmy Fallon’s unwatchable show to “slow-jam the news.” By this, Fallon meant that Obama would read a campaign speech about student loans, Fallon would utter a few lines to back him up every so often, and his lead band singer would warble in support of Obama’s propaganda.

Only one problem, aside from the fact that this was possibly the worst “comedy” segment in the history of mankind: it violated campaign finance law.

The equal time rule states that if a licensee permits a person “who is a legally qualified candidate for any public office to use a broadcasting station, he shall afford equal opportunities to all other such candidates for that office in the use of such broadcasting station.” 



  1. it would only be illegal if the Fallon show denies Romney's request to appear...

  2. well theres your problem right in the story...

    "...who is a legally qualified candidate for any public office..."

    obama isnt legally qualified. end of that story!

  3. 10;13 these folks don't operate off of facts or logic

  4. He has been too busy appointing members of the Muslum Brotherhood to positions in Homeland Security to pay attention to some stinking law.

  5. This law would apply IF obama was a qualified candidate for any public office....

  6. i thought i was pretty funny. people should lighten up.

  7. There is no rule against an illegal like Obama on the show

  8. The law only applies to broadcast shows, i.e. shows that are broadcast over public airwaves. Fallon's show is on cable and is not broadcast on airwaves. A show on cable can do whatever they think their viewers will accept.

  9. With this administration,anything goes!

  10. If you have enough money/power you can do what ever you so choose in the good ol' US of A.

  11. Oh yes Cathy we should just "Lighten up"! It's only the future of the United States at stake. Perhaps we should just let it go I mean does it really matter? Gimme a break!

  12. It's not the first law this imposter has broken, nor will it be the last. He is a criminal and the enemy of our country.


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