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Monday, April 02, 2012

Obama Pushes Congress on Millionaires' Tax

President Barack Obama is calling on Congress to increase taxes on millionaires, reviving a proposal he first pitched last September that aims to draw sharp election-year lines between the president and the Republican opposition.

The plan, scheduled for a vote in the Democratic-controlled Senate on April 16, stands little chance of passing in Congress. But it is a prominent symbol of the efforts the president and congressional Democrats are making to portray themselves as champions of economic fairness. Republicans dismiss the idea as a political stunt with little real effect on the budget.

"We don't envy success in this country. We aspire to it," Obama said in his Saturday radio and Internet address. "But we also believe that anyone who does well for themselves should do their fair share in return, so that more people have the opportunity to get ahead _ not just a few."



  1. When will people realize that, increasing tax rates on people who have no taxable income, changes nothing. All Barack is doing is pi$$ing on your head and telling you it's raining.

  2. You got that right 5:05!But its hard to believe 50% of the people just dont understand that.

  3. And the State of Maryland can't understand why they are loosing so much revenue on tobacco taxes. They taxed it out of business. O'Malley Conway & Cane will find another way to tax you even if it's the air you breathe.


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