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Monday, April 30, 2012

Not Natural Born

New Posts to fall below. A MUST SEE VIDEO.


  1. Notice how he says "Holy Koran" with his Muslim accent every time he says it. He is a Muslim and their is no question about it. The liberals don't care and the conservatives are to lazy to get out and vote him out of office. He should have charges brought against him.

  2. The liberals will change the Constitution so that Obama and any Islam extremists can become the president.

  3. What does Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton have to say about these facts?

  4. Here is something to keep in mind for all you Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich fans.

    My vote is not for Mitt Romney, my vote is against Barrack Hussein Obama and the blind Democrats.

    Get over it and stick together to get Obama out of office NOW or this country will fall to Islam!!

  5. If it was Nixon... He would have to resign, oh yeah he did. But it is the 1st Black President, so we cant do anything.

    RACISM at its best,

    as the Indians say, White Men you stupid.....

  6. Perpetrating this fraud on the American people is high treason.

    Gallows on the Ellipse!

  7. Why are the folks that have the power to do something about this horrible situation just ignoring it? It is truly sad that we have no poloticians with the nerve to challenge this man and his dictatorship. I'm afraid the United States is about to fall and it will not be Obama's fault, it will be the fault of those that stood by and did nothing about it!

  8. Smells of desperation, cannot beat the President so lets find a trumped up way to get rid of him.

  9. Five comments, three with errors that make the writer look ignorant. Seems to be a lot of worry about eligibility for some and blind acceptance when it's for someone they THINK would be a good candidate. Many candidates have eligibility issues.

  10. Who is this Chuck Cook you keep talking about?

  11. Just another low rent Obamanista socialist militant type bent on destroying America.
    a friend of the mayor's.

  12. Actually the courts shoud take up the case as to whether or not Obama is a natural born citizen. The main reason for this is that there are several Republicans that are rising in the party that this issue would apply to such as Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, and Bobby Jindal to name a few. As a Republican I don't think Obama meets the criteria, and to be consistent neither do the three other people I mentioned. The constitution, as I read it says that to be POTUS you must be born to citizen parents(both parents} and neither Obama nor the other three do.

  13. Anonymous said...

    Why are the folks that have the power to do something about this horrible situation just ignoring it? It is truly sad that we have no poloticians with the nerve to challenge this man and his dictatorship. I'm afraid the United States is about to fall and it will not be Obama's fault, it will be the fault of those that stood by and did nothing about it!

    April 30, 2012 2:11 PM


    I don't blame Obama I blame the people. The weak lemmings who are to stupid to do anything about it. Obama doesn't scare me the people who vote for him scare me.

  14. Anonymous said...

    Smells of desperation, cannot beat the President so lets find a trumped up way to get rid of him.

    April 30, 2012 2:53 PM

    No my friend these facts have been around since 2008 and you have obviously been sleeping under a rock.

  15. OK, tell me this, if any candidate picks a VP that is not a natural born citizen, is that person eligible to be president if the president were to die? Would the speaker have to take over as commander in Chief?

  16. 2:53 Typical libtard response, over educated university graduate pointing out commenters grammar errors. we all understood the jist of the comments. Libtards are just hard headed ignorant idiots who feel the need to point out how stupid they really. Constanly deflecting the argument.It is the litard democrats who are uneducated and ignorant

  17. Nothing will be done , it's over my friends. This has been played out in perfection. This man has doomed America.
    We are damaged beyond repair , civil out breaks or war will be the only way to get this country back to a capitalist nation.
    We have accepted all of his lies and changes.
    I hope and pray for him and his family to fail all the way.
    I'm afraid to tell you what I want , but I'm sure you know what I'm thinking.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Five comments, three with errors that make the writer look ignorant. Seems to be a lot of worry about eligibility for some and blind acceptance when it's for someone they THINK would be a good candidate. Many candidates have eligibility issues.

    April 30, 2012 2:53 PM

    So you are going to nit pick about a few "errors" and attack someone because they know your buddy Barrack is a fraud? There are only 2 candidates for president so who has an issue more that Barrack Hussein Obama? You must be one of the more intelligent Kool Aid drinkers who dodge the real issues with invented issues.

  19. Anonymous said...

    ...As a Republican I don't think Obama meets the criteria, and to be consistent neither do the three other people.....

    April 30, 2012 3:43 PM

    Kind of reminds me of the racist who always says "my best friend is black."

  20. This issue has enough support and prof that it needs to be addressed. Here is the problem. The people that can and have the power to do something wont. They are afraid of a race riot. Obama has done exactly what he planned to do, make Americans afraid to obey the law and the Constitution. Americans, Please, for the love of our country, please don't vote this fraud back in office.

  21. 2:53's comment is a typical Muslim response. Try to divert attention away from the subject. When ever you ask them a question about the quran they have to quote something in the bible. Makes no sense to me. They quote a book they don't even believe in.

  22. The people that voted for Obama are scary!!

    The people that are afraid of Obama are scary.

    We are a doomed nation and we will soon be praying in the streets or beheaded.

  23. Obama is a Muslim. Has anyone noticed that in the last 5 years Islam is forced down our throats and much of it is done as innuendos and people are to stupid to realize it. Five years ago we rarely heard about Islam and now it is talked about numerous times a day.

    Even after Sept. 11, 2001 we didn't hear much about Islam. The buzz word was terrorist.

    Wake up America.

    1. Guess what even a muslim, a jew,or a buddist can be president, we have freedom of religion in America. Not just your religion.

  24. There are also 535 people standing in Congress who know the facts and are presently committing treason because of it. This is real, folks, and to stand for having 550 plus people running this country to be harboring this conspiracy or fallacy may only need a light trigger to start the resulting action.

  25. That's right, attack the educated. Maybe the other people with issues aren't running for president, but a local office instead. LOL!

  26. Yawwwwwwn... Nice attempt Joe. You are a worthless individual. Good luck at Mayor with your biased views. You will NEVER win. Bet on that!

  27. 9:05 PM, you are obviously a Kool Aid drinker if you think Obama is a Natural Born Citizen and he is deserving as president of the United States of America.

    You are to stupid to think for yourself.

  28. anonymous 9:05, I wouldn't call my views biased, as you suggest. I didn't produce the video.

  29. Joe you WILL be the next Mayor of Salisbury and you WILL have a positive impact on the local economy and crime. But about the post, we all know Obama isn't eligible. But what do we do about it. The full force of the military and government are behind him.

  30. Ain't playin no moreApril 30, 2012 at 10:18 PM

    This is America Bro....if you do not like that I dislike a Muslim President....get out of my Country!

    1. I don't like Mormons but it is legal.

  31. Ain't playin no more said...

    This is America Bro....if you do not like that I dislike a Muslim President....get out of my Country!

    April 30, 2012 10:18 PM

    I'm with you brother.

  32. Joe for Mayor. Get rid of Hoppes, Tull and Gordy.


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