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Monday, April 09, 2012

New Black Panthers: Race War For Trayvon April 9th 'Day of Action'

On the organizing phone call for their Trayvon Martin April 9th National Day of action protest The New Black Panther Party engaged in violent, racist, hate filled speech.

Video Here

WARNING: Extreme Language


  1. Please tell me we can respond the way we want to joe..I hold my toungue on here.but I want to cuss call names and be racial.i don't care if we stoop to their level.bout time you allow it just this once

  2. With all the stray bullets those goons shoot...we have no worries.they couldn't shoot the side of a barn from ten foot away.

  3. Funny how all the advertisements next to the video are for black obama.

  4. 5:47 Amen to you and your comment. Joe, I, agree, let the people speak on their true feelings, and , if you will not, then your post is bowing to Obama and the black panthers. I know this post must be approved by the blog author. So, prove you are not controlled by the MSM.

  5. Mental note:
    The Black panther terrorist organization started this.
    Mental note:
    Hussein Obama and Eric Holder have done nothing.

  6. Hope the kkk shows up .as well as the rest of the white community.its about time to end this crap once and for all.only thing we owe them is a whooping.tired of hearing the blacks cry about things they do to themselves.

  7. Sanford police dept. with DOJ federal agents inside closed today as a result of protesters blocking the doors.
    In any other situation these people would be terrorized by the police.
    Pepper sprayed, beaten, hogtied, and locked up and charged with hindering and obstruction of justice among other things.
    What happened?
    The cops went soft.
    Rendered impotent by the OBAMA BLACK PANTHERS.
    I'd bet those officers are very proud right now.

  8. 9:21 What is your point? Your statement meant no sense. And, my brothers are white, and, so, we have a President that is neither race, matter of fact he doest't even know where he was borne. Our President of America is a SNOW BALL. He was truly placed in office by those that knew he would make an ass of himsel

  9. if the kkk put a $10,000.00 bounty on a black mans head the media would go balastic. but not if the panthers do it to a white man. why not? funny how that works. thanks sjd

  10. Anyone ever consider the government might want, even encourage, a so called race war so they can institute Marshall law?

    When you see the tanks start rolling in you will know it is you that is the governments' enemy.

    Like Mr. Madison said, tyranny will come under the guise of an attacking foreign enemy.

  11. I just listened to that recording. These callers, if they act on what they spout, will be the first to die. Unless they are the cowards I think they are and will be behind the ones they are trying to enrage to act.

    Their words are coming from someone living in a fantasy world. They are full of hate and have directed their hate at non-existent enemies.

    They are not part of any solution, only creating another problem. And will die for nothing.

    They want to eradicate capitalism, thinking that is what is keeping them down. Along with the blond or brown eyed devil Caucasians.

    I thought the black race had become more evolved and intelligent that what I heard but it appears not.

    First time I have heard the Red Sea referred to as blood instead of a body of water in the Middle East.

    If that's what they want I'm sure they will get it. Maybe then they will realize what is really keeping them down.


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