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Monday, April 30, 2012

McGuire's In Delmar Bailed Out Again

Tom McGuire was hit with another 25 charges last week and was once again released on bail. The McGuire's are facing a multitude of charges including Sex Abuse Minor, Sex Offense Second Degree, Unnatural Or Perverted Practice, Assault-First Degree, Child Abuse: 2nd Deg -Cust, Sex Abuse Minor, False Imprisonment and many other charges.

As the charges continue to rack up, so do the fees to bail them out of jail each time.

File Date:
04/27/2012Close Date:
Party Type:
Bond Remitter/BondsmanParty No.:1
Document Name:
Corporate Bail Bond posted by ABBA Bail Bond in the amount $3040.00 and Property
Bond posted by Sandra G. Thomas and Jeanne W. McGuire in the amount of $246,960.00, ReleaseFiled by BND001-ABBA Bail Bonds, BND002-Seneca Insurance Company, BND003-Sandra G. Thomas And Jeanne W. McGuire


  1. It looks like all of the charges in Case No. 22K12000163 were dismissed on 4/27/12. What's up with that? Maybe there was a mistake in the charging document and they are just recharging him to fix it.

  2. 11:49, most likely "dismissed" from district court and "bumped" up to circuit court where defendants can get a jury trial. I'm sure this is what happened.

  3. It makes me mad that they keep getting out! I say there needs to be a new law: if you bail someone out of jail you should have to live with them. If that were the case, he would be living in Baltimore and not roaming the streets of Delmar.

  4. Yes I agree 1:31 because wasn't Thomas Leggs out on bail from Worcester when he murdered little Sarah Foxwell? These pervents can't help themselves and what I believed happened with Leggs was that he thought he could get away with molesting the child if he went ahead and killed her thereby eliminating her as a potential witness.
    That all being said I wonder what kind of mother Tom McGuire has who by helping to bailing him out time and time again condones his sick behavior.

  5. How many child abuse charges does a person have to have to get remanded without bail? How many children live on Chestnut St? How many go to that daycare on Chestnut?


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