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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Got Bigotry?: CNN's Soledad O'Brien Stars In Skit Ripping 'Rednecks'

Monday, Soledad O'Brien's "Starting Point" couldn't clear 100k viewers in the coveted 25-54 demo or even a half-million total viewers. 

"The Daily Show" itself came in at #23 in the cable rankings with only 1.54 million total viewers.
You think maybe part of their viewership problem might have something to do with the cultural bigotry and intolerance displayed below?

So here you have Soledad O'Brien, a CNN anchor and star, in a skit stereotyping and mocking "rednecks." Sure, she can put on Jon Stewart's clown nose as a defense, but would she ever participate in a skit that portrayed Blacks, gays, or Muslims in a derogatory fashion.


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