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Friday, April 27, 2012

Democrats & Republicans Propose Plans To Stop Student Loan Interest Rates From Doubling

Preventing the hike in interests rates will cost between four and six billion dollars – and Democrats in the Senate propose paying for it by closing what they call the “John Edwards Loophole” that allows high-priced consultants to escape from paying payroll taxes. Republicans in the House propose paying for it by slashing preventative healthcare programs included in Obamcare. So, these are the two choices: one, closing a corporate tax loophole, or two, cutting off funding to make sure Americans get the healthcare they need. In any other session of Congress – this would be an obvious choice. But with today’s Republican Party that even the Catholic Bishops say has lost its moral compass, Americans might have to choose between seeing a doctor and going to college in the near future.


  1. Politics opened up a whole new way for young people to fail. It's called give them money to party and tie it to a loan. Further, let the Federal Government take charge. Let's be real. The appearance of legitimacy for some college programs is a crime. Sell it to a kid and commit their future to paying back with interest what they swallowed.

    I borrowed no money for my education. I worked. I raised a family. I suffered the pain of not having "fun" as an educational choice. I even graduated from Hopkins which I am proud of because I did it on my own.

    This country needs more Jobs and less Obamas so that we may return to excellence.

  2. makes one wonder how many more slush funds are lurking in obamacare, or for that matter...the entire gov't.

  3. Obama is perpetuating a bad situation.


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