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Friday, April 06, 2012

Coast Guard Cannon Fire Sinks Japanese Ghost Ship

The long, lonely voyage of the Japanese ghost ship is over.

A U.S. Coast Guard cutter unleashed cannon fire on the abandoned 164-foot Ryou-Un Maru on Thursday, ending a journey that began when last year's tsunami dislodged it and set it adrift across the Pacific Ocean.

It sank into waters more than 1,000 feet deep in the Gulf of Alaska, more than 150 miles from land.

The crew pummeled the ghost ship with high explosive ammunition and, soon after, the Ryou-Un Maru burst into flames, began to take on water and list, officials said.

A huge column of smoke could be seen over the gulf.


  1. Oh! I saw the picture and thought that was the SBY fireboat out on trial runs. Doesn't take too long for the shine to wear off when you don't maintain a boat.

  2. Would have made a nice artificial reef if towed in and suck closer to the coast.

  3. It couldn't be reboarded and used?


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