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Friday, April 27, 2012

CISPA Passes In The House After Surprise Vote

Washington - The plan was for the debate on the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Actto take place on Thursday, with the vote the next day. As it turns out, the legislation came to a surprising vote after the debate tonight, eventually passing in the House by a vote of 248-168.

The bill's passage, despite a veto threat from the White House Wednesday, now places the responsibility in the lap of the Senate, which has its own cybersecurity legislation in the works.

Just 28 Republicans voted against the bill, joined by 140Democrats.

CISPA is built as a mechanism to provide a greater degree of information sharing between the federal government and private companies, from Facebook to antivirus software providers, so that information regarding upcoming threats and ongoing hacking efforts can be spread through the community.

CISPA passed with a series of additional amendments, many of which have been outlined previously, including one from Rep. Ben Quayle (R-Ariz.) bringing cybersecurity crimes, the threat of harm or death to an individual and protection against child pornography under the bill's umbrella. Those responsibilities are in addition to the sharing of cybersecurity and protecting national security. For more details on the bill, click here.



  1. TO add to this Andy Harris voted yes.

    CISPA is scary business and ranks right up there with SOPA and PIPA.

  2. This is just another Government control mechanism over businesses and industry. The president has feigned a veto to keep his base satisfied just as he did with NDAA.
    The United States is becoming the Soviet Union we used to despise.
    From self proclaimed Socialists in the legislature, to Muslim brotherhood radical Islamists, (the same group the recently endorsed the "farewell intercourse" law in Egypt. look it up)in top advisory positions with the president, the Black Panthers running uninhibited advocating murder and, Government takeover of all commerce. The principles of America have been subverted, the takeover nearly complete.
    Wake Up!

  3. you failed to mention the brotherhood visited our white house 2 weeks ago and were granted over 200 million bucks from our presbo to take back home to wherever they keep their post mortem sex partners.

  4. You also left out the story where OBama has promised to veto this.


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