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Thursday, April 05, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: DOJ Delivers Explanation Of Authority Of The Courts

Justice Department fulfills demand from appeals court to explain the Obama administration's view on the authority of the courts, saying, 'The power of the courts to review the constitutionality of legislation is beyond dispute.'

From Fox News


  1. hope Obama doest see this as an act of terrorism

  2. It's about time the usurping liar got called out for a change.
    Too bad he had to send one of his minoins out to do the back pedaling.
    Obama has no class, no credability, and no brains!

  3. Obama was barking up the wrong tree. Of course the Supreme Court has the authority. It was established in Marbury V. Madison in 1803. "The Supreme Court has the authority to review acts of Congress and determine whether they are unconstitutional and therefore void." But it's whatever.

  4. It's about time Obama was bascially told to sit down and shut up. You do your job and we'll do ours!

  5. Our leader talks of non elected people making judgement on laws passed by congress.Is this the same man who hired czars to do the exact same thing?


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