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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Boycott Best Buy?

On April 19, Marc J. Fink at Islamist Watch broke the story that Best Buy was a “Platinum Sponsor” for a fundraising banquet for the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). After Best Buy defended its donation, the Clarion Fund’s RadicalIslam.org started a petition on April 24 for those committing to a boycott of the company until it rescinds its support for CAIR. Within one day, nearly 5,000 people had signed it. You can sign it by clicking here.

On January 23, the Facebook page of CAIR-MN announced that Best Buy would be a “Platinum Sponsor” of its fifth annual banquet. CAIR was labeled by the federal government as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation, a charity that was shut down for fundraising for the terrorist group Hamas, whose charter calls for the extermination of Jews.

CAIR grew out of the Islamic Association of Palestine, another group that was shut down for being a Hamas front. The Muslim Brotherhood’s secret Palestine Committee in the U.S., set up to support Hamas, listed CAIR as a “working organizations” in one of its documents in 1994.



  1. Certainly makes me want to consider doing business with Best Buy again; I like their attitude.

  2. As long as a "Religion of Peace" practices its religion by killing people who post pictures of some dead guy... I'd say support for CAIR (and similar) is going to grow.

    Christianity went through it's dark ages. Time for Islam to put up or shut up about it's claims.

    Personally, I have no faith in its ability to do so... I don't shop at BB generally, but I wouldn't boycott them over this.

    Also... 5k/300+m... not exactly a groundswell.

  3. I don't shop there now(due to there various store policies)and providing this information is correct, I absolutely won't give them my business.

  4. 2:50 and 2:57, please educate yourselves about "cair" and the islam faith. it's not what it looks like on the surface. dig for truth. it's available if you look.

    we're currently in deep trouble as a nation because it's citizens are not aprised and educated on the geo-political and other important issues that affect this country and countries around the world. ignorance is NOT bliss. there will be very bad consequences because many people didn't want to know the truth. it might interrupt their "easy living".

    highly recommend watching the special tonight on www.gbtv.com at 7pm. it's free to sign up. just do it. you'll see for yourself.

  5. 2:50 You are pro-terrorism?

  6. 3:48

    Everything islam has to do with terrorism? Youre insane.

    PS, Islam worships the same god that you christians do.

    1. What? You are the stupidest person I've ever dealt with.how is the prophet Allah the same as jesus christ? Omg.I'm done.nit gonna waste anymire time on your stupid a**

  7. 6:12
    You need to educate yourself before you make such a stupid comment. They do NOT worship the same God. Allah was a moon god. Christians and Jews worship the same God but Allah is not the same.

  8. 6:12
    If Christians and Muslims worship the same God why do the muslims want to kill the Christians? Why if they are the same do they not allow churches in Saudi? Why are they trying to kill that pastor in Iran for preaching the gospel?

  9. Americans are so mean they cut it off but if you look America was the first one to start this by taking the Palestine's land away. Palestine wouldn't be like this if America didn't butt in to everything. If you think most of the reasons American is in such a debt is because everyone start a war and America goes in and makes it even worse. any way their talking about terrorist but there is a small margin of people who are actual terrorists.
    Anyway who buys thing at best buy if you look somewhere else you'll get the same thing for about few less dollars

  10. You won't have too they are more than likely closing down in your area


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