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Wednesday, April 25, 2012


WBOC has provided a video from the Salisbury Police PROVING Students were in fact throwing beer bottles at Police Officers. GO HERE to view.


  1. How dare you provide actual proof of these little darlings acting poorly.

  2. Just an outside observation on watching this video. Something has happened prior to this video being shot that thinned the crowd, stopped the music and dancing and otherwise changed the whole area picture from the earlier videos. I'm going to need to see time stamps to believe this was an officer "just driving in to the fresh party or to believe this is a "Before" shot!

  3. Still can't tell what that was being thrown.even when you stop the video....the thing could be a shoe.just to hard to tell.

  4. That still dosent justify macing everyone within reach. I've seen all the videos and have seen no unruliness. Those that dispersed mace into the crowd should be held accountable immediately. Police brutality is out of hand everywhere. They were on private property. So if that person had fired a gun in the air....officers would have shot everyone in sight? If I had a celebration on my property and 1 person done something wrong...it's ok to mace everyone there?
    I'm 52yo and am not affiliated with su or students.

  5. Ok, they threw a beer bottle in the video. Now, we pepper spray them? I am 40 years old and this does not make sense to me. How about throwing some handcuffs on these kids if they were in fact(by law) committing a crime? Pepper spraying college kids gets you in the news...arresting the kids for breaking the law does not.

    I like the last bit, where the reporter suggests that this will happen again because there is another LAX game this weekend.

  6. Where is the unruliness that shows everything getting quickly out of hand?

    I see something thrown, but nothing hitting the cop car. That was also 1 item thrown by 1 person.

    Nothing justifies macing every single person there unless there were fights and just general misconduct.

    Also, this is private property owned by Rinnier.

    The police were on a power trip. Im also not affiliated with SU.

  7. I have heard many say they were given permission to have this part as long as they stayed out of the street. I guess they didn't listen to that. I also saw someone say there was no trash until the police showed up. Videos don't like. That trash was there as the police were driving in. You get NO respect until you give it. You have not only disrespected this property but every one of you have disrepected your own parents in your actions. SHAME ON YOU!

  8. They got what they deserved it's apparent that there is NO amount of proof these imbeciles will accept.

  9. Sorry, Joe. I just don't see anything justifying a use of force against an entire crowd for a single bottle. If that video is all the SPD has, they are going to need to do a lot of convincing. This is more like UC Davis than I originally thought.

  10. 6:07, all of the people there, LIVE THERE. Theyll clean it up when its over. Not a hard concept to grasp.

  11. I wish they would get the heck out of my town. Take your little degrees that wont get you a high paying job and your student debt and leave.

  12. The Salisbury Police Dept. shoulda just shot all those (insert your favorite expletive here) college kids with their noise-making, fun-having, youthful ways! hahaha I AM an SU student that was there enjoying the fun, sanctioned (at first), and peaceful (before you know who showed up) party in the new zoo for atleast 6 hours before the macing started (i was there at 8 and they busted us up around 1). Ok, a few people threw stuff but how do you know it was even at law enforcement? In my experience drunk college kids have a natural tendency to throw their empty alcohol containers. And why not lock up those idiots that actually did throw stuff? Well that'd make a little too much sense so instead lets collectively punish (illegal to do so btw) everyone else; not like we are a HUGE boost to Salisbury's local economy or national prestige or anything...

  13. As a former law enforcement officer, I'm sure after the bottle throwing incidents and disorderly behavior, the crowd was warned to leave.the area or face being pepper sprayed, I'm sure after several warnings without response, this happened. Believe me, IF I were an innocent bystandard and heard law enforcement warning the crowd, ide hightail out!

  14. If you study use of force continuums, spraying pepper spray is just a step beneath shooting someone. It is almost never justified in this situation? As the kids have said repeatedly, if they thought ahead to bring pepper spray why didn't they think ahead to bring a megaphone?

  15. Boy that post (6:35) about the College kids leaving town is some kind of class envy nucklehead I have and my siblings all have college and advanced college degrees and do make a ton of money.

    Don't necessarily have to have a college degree, but it sure helps a "ton". And also the colleges here in town generate millions of dollars for the town, businesses, property taxes--(from employees who own homes and also rent them out)

    Kind of dump argument anyways, because the colleges here all 3 are not going any where --they are actually getting bigger and bigger and bigger every year!

  16. I guess if you're thinking of running for mayor you need the support of local police and thats why you are backing them now.

  17. As a vet of many anti war protests during the Viet Nam era, I will say this......screw with the cops and you will get hammered. Looking back, I don't blame them. A shout out to all you little SU punks, when you grow up you will realize that you can't save the world, and didn't. I know, it's hard to believe now but just wait. You'll see. Just worry about you, because nobody else will. Peace out.

  18. Actually the use of force continuium:

    Mere presence.

    Verbal commands.

    Hands on/pepper spray/ taser, etc.

    Asp( expandable baton)

    Lethal/deadly force

    All in order. Of course you cant go hands on or taze thousands so the logical choice....pepper spray.

  19. Their website is way past due. The police should worry about REAL CRIME in Salisbury rather than college kids who prop up what little of an economy there is in the area.

    To all of those scolding these kids, why do you care so much about what they do. They were contained in one area. This happens once every other year. I went to a college 10 times the size of Salisbury that had events that were a million times more out of control and no one cared, because the cops their fought REAL CRIME.

    This is why the crime rate is so high here. The cops would rather screw with college kids who don't have weapons than deal with real criminals. Worry less about the beer bottles and more about GANG VIOLENCE.

  20. 8:54 - Your use of force looks pretty good however it leaves out the step with bean bag rounds (12 ga.), foam and rubber projectiles (aka: grenade launcher) distraction devices, rubber bullets (both 12 ga and .60 cal) also pepperballs, stingball grenades and the list goes on and on! Pepperspray is the nicest of the available options but you can't tell these college "educated" people anything, they know it all already... so sad...

  21. hmmmm yes they would have cleand it up especially on private property. you have to remember we were all young and acted dumm at one point in life, however its hard been a young person and making mistakes. Now thisis very much condeming an acting like they all will never grow up. Remember some adults in their 40's 50' 60's an even 70's are still doing the same things as the younger gerneration! At least give them another chance! Didn't your parents give you another chance when you were out in the street, getting high, having sex, drinking, cheatin, being somewhere you were ot suppose to be? Come on now everyone deserves some grace here! Police officers please dont aggreviate the issue this weekend, in other words dont provoke the studenst or someone innoncent my get hurt because of premature actions on the other day. Just learn to laugh, live and love!

  22. 9:17

    someone sounds a little jealous about a ~20 year old being more educated

  23. So in other words 9:32 you want everyone to overlook the bad bevavior, the malicious destruction of property, underage drinking, lewdness, etc. You want our police officers to avoid the area because they are just spirited college students. You want them to answer a call there if they get one but not do anything to enforce the law....because they are college students. You want the rest of society to acquiesce and lower our standards rather than expect the students to rise to the level of good behavior. No. Lock them up! We have compromised our standards for far too long. They will either learn to behave or they will pay the price. You liberals have caused enough damage to this country. Look at what your "progressive" attitudes has done.

  24. @ 951pm look at your judgmental attitude! apparently you have always done the "Politcal Correct" thing in your life. You are taking out of context of what I said and I am not a liberal however I am HUMAN like you and YOU are not GOD! Again check yourself before you reck yourself! Ok, I appreciate our police officers and what they do however like I said before there is to much potential wrong actions that can happen.

  25. 9:51

    This was controlled. There was no fighting, no violence, nothing going on. Just people having fun.

    Meanwhile, take a trip over near salisbury middle school, church street, maryland ave and youll have crack deals and heroine deals going on.

    Stop being so blind.

  26. again @ 9:51 I just want the college students and the police officers to get it right and just be safe so that if there is a disruption there wont be pre-kaos becase of missunderstandings. And also @ 951 I do believe in disciplinary actions when needed. I have raised my children and been on both sides of where they have done wrong things and I have been wrong, however prevoking my children because I know they are outrangeous is not to smart on my part, however at some point I had to let someone else officiate before I took next step. Again I appreciate our officers, not a problem when it comes to disciplnar actions when needed.

  27. Wonder what the insurance for something like that would cost for the duration? $7,000.00 devided by 1000 kidss? Its a seven dollar cover.

  28. As a Wicomico county taxpayer, I really hope that no complaints are filed against the police department that I have to pay for. I do not understand why they did not just arrest the kids who threw things and then build a solid case against them? It would have definitely discouraged all these college kids from filing complaints and their parents hiring lawyers. Please SU Police, act smarter than these kids!

  29. The school has been the best of both worlds for my hometown. Shucks I was on the campus radio station for six hours trippin on shrums in 1978. I may know a thing or to bout thing or two. The school was way small then. Campus cop came op into where your pool is and said freeze. About twelve of us and he grabbed the pot and was taking Kroupa to the hall. We all rode our bmx bikes down and stopped him because Kroupas mom worked there. He was out maned and out numbered. We got our pot back to, but isnt there always a but. Krup got nailed the next day. We used to just ride threw and look at the girls.

  30. this is typical of small police departments that would rather not risk addressing the dangers of REAL dangerous folk and crimes and use such instances to bolster their presence

  31. The secret to leading is being able to turn negatives into positives. You get that many people together well its money done right.

  32. 10:31

    what did I just read, are you still trippin? those shrooms mustve been good!

  33. Maybe the Salisbury shin dig should incorporate the school more and any wife merried that long gonna be lookin at them young men and daddy doing the same. Mom and dad go home and (#@^$) like they aint in decades and eveybody have fun and the school can finally be part of the soil it sits on. There is some molding that needs done, like clay.

  34. Respect your elders, how the hell did I become and elder? Crazy stuff.

  35. Can they cancell Rinnear's rental license -- that would stop this from happening again.

    1. The "new zoo" property that is being discussed is not owned or managed by me or my company. If you have any questions related to this feel free to call me at 410-742-8151. ~ Blair Rinnier

  36. Where was Eschbach abd Mayor Jimbeau -- those fearless leaders (not)?

  37. Who thinks it's ok to start drinking at 8 in the morning?

  38. Fruitland Generic CitizenApril 26, 2012 at 6:29 AM

    How many thrown bottles would be enough bottles?

  39. we are all foe the kids andd the police officers, But were is SU in all this they should be talking to thesse young kids now that all this is happening parents around the country are seeing this and will deffinately have second thoughts about sending there children to SU , Because frankly MY child will Not be going down to Salisbury to attend College there.

  40. No no, this type of lawlessness only comes from UMES

  41. When the Dean of Students sends out a letter condoning hiding your weed what do we expect. I would hope he would face serious reprimands for that letter. He is supposed to be a professional.

  42. The University leadership is TOTALLY responsible for this problem. Thye should provide an on-campus venue for organized student gatherings such as this...the sports field, Red Square, etc. and provide police protection from the SU police department, rope off the area, make sure that there is fun, safety, and success for the students and the community.

  43. Lets all just try to act like we live in the real world for a second. Do you think college kids drink and do drugs? DO you think YOU could stop them? What makes you think a random Dean that 85% of them have never met can say something to make them change their way of life. I am tired of people acting like life has a script. This man was just being a 100 % human being and telling the kids "Hey we all know you do it but just try and keep it under control". Because I read 95% of comments talking abou thow college kids do drugs and drink, so you also obviously are aware as well.

  44. It's totally ok to start drinking at 8am.As long as there is a special occasion, like Tuesday. I am just grateful that the police department has solved all the rapes, murders and won the war on drugs so that now they are able to focus on the real problems. My nephews 1st grade safety patrol team would make better police officers than 90% of out cops. There are amazing cops here but you don't hear anything about them. The douchey ones give them all a bad name.

  45. Anonymous said...
    we are all foe the kids andd the police officers, But were is SU in all this they should be talking to thesse young kids now that all this is happening parents around the country are seeing this and will deffinately have second thoughts about sending there children to SU , Because frankly MY child will Not be going down to Salisbury to attend College there.

    April 26, 2012 7:22 AM

    Youre going to dictate where your child can and cannot go to college? The place that pretty much determines the rest of THEIR life? You sound like a great parent!

    Yep, go ahead and send them to JMU, Frostburg, Towson, College Park... you think a party of 1500 people is bad? You need a reality check.

    Anonymous said...
    No no, this type of lawlessness only comes from UMES

    April 26, 2012 7:44 AM

    I saved your ignorance for last. Have you even been to UMES...ever? Or are you that clueless? Im guessing you assume that since it is a majority black college, it has horrible crime? Ive worked their for about 3 years almost and not once, have I EVER seen a fight. The university actually organizes big events for the kids to have fun in the Student Services Center, quite often. You see, UMES, actually recognizes the fact that college students want to have fun. So rather than waiting for them to organize it on their own time without protection/a place to do so, they set up parties for them.

    They also have actual A-List performers for their homecoming and other events. You know, something to give the students to look forward to.

  46. 9:37

    Are you that stupid? Do you have the reading comprehension of a 2 year old? He never condoned anything. He simply recognizes(rather than stuck in denial) the fact that almost all college students drink and smoke weed. Even at SU. Obviously it doesnt hinder anything, SU was ranked top 10 in the nation in academics.

    He put the email in a manner so that the student body would not just delete the email and not read it. He wanted to get their attention. He stated in the email that this is an important time of the year and you need to focus on your studies. For them to put down the "extracurriculars" for a few weeks and make sure they finish the semester strong.

    Learn to read and stop sensationalizing everything that has nothing to do with you.

  47. At the end of the day SU is an affordable school that provides an above average education. If you want the best campus cops, more event planning, more "typical" Dean's, guess what that is going to cost you. For a school to be affordable and provide an above average education in today's day and age is a wonder. Those of you who have never spent time on the SU campus certainly have no room to speak for those who have.

  48. @12:30 hit the nail on the head. Check out how much publicity the SPD is getting for this incident. They actually seem relevant. But at the end of the day the more coverage they show of trhis event is less coverage they have to show of how many unsolved murders, rapes, home invasions, and robberies that probably happened last night. Students are probably the most unsafe bunch in the area, targeted most of the time by criminals, living in more affordable neighborhoods that have a high crime rate. But of course they must be the ones destroying this prestine town we call Salisbury. Rag on them and call them names for having a good time while people who really destroy the community walk around free without any persecuation from the police. SU has provided support for this unstable community, the students have just as much right to the city as anyone. Although the party may have been out of hand no one seemed to be threating anyones life, no serious situations eveolved. The police claim that bottles were thrown, well if I got maced in my eye for standing in a crwod of kids I would be ready to throw something as well. The student(s) throwing stuff may not have even known the cops were present.

  49. 110-Affordable school? It's tuition is on par with schools that have hundreds of millions more in endowments. For an out-of-state student, it's even more incredulous. You're right, it's an AVERAGE school. Nothing more. You can find schools in every state that're better, most times with more reasonable tuition rates and hundreds of millions more in endowments.

  50. @1:56 how much does it cost to go to schoo at SU? I just graduated and it was less than 15,000 a year for me for both semesters. Last time I checked that is pretty affrodable. Did you even attend the University?

  51. This happened at what time? Somewhere around 1p-3p in the afternoon. What would this crowd have been like by 9pm after much, much more alcohol?

    I would like to see the police REFUSE to respond if there's another party this weekend. Let the apartment complex deal with it & hope that there's not much effect on the surrounding residents.

  52. @8:24PM "As a vet of many anti war protests during the Viet Nam era" Really? Too busy smoking pot and doing other drugs to serve your country like I did? Besides, one would think a true believer in your cause would continue to fight what they perceive is wrong and help the next generation change the world if they can. once the going gets tough, it's time to quit I guess, huh?


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