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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Atheist Group Demands Rhode Island City Remove Cross From Atop War Memorial

A national atheist organization is demanding that a Rhode Island city remove a cross from a 91-year-old memorial honoring hometown soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their county.

Although the memorial has stood in the parking lot of the Woonsocket fire station for decades with no complaints, the Freedom from Religion Foundation is now calling for it to be stripped of the cross that sits atop it, claiming it violates the First Amendment's freedom of religion clause. The group also wants the Woonsocket Fire Department to remove “The Firefighter’s Prayer” and a picture of an angel from its website.


  1. Maybe the Russians were right years ago?

  2. Maybe the Russians were right during the cold war?

  3. Is there any reason that those who believe in what the cross represents cannot demand it stays.

    Why to atheist have any more rights than non-atheist?

  4. Is this where we need to DRAW the line. If these people are not happy with everyone's rights then they can LEAVE. By taking this cross down would impede on other people's rights and beliefs. This crap of these people have gone too far and needs to stop.

  5. This is what is wrong with this country now. The US was built on God and the Bible.

  6. Here's your answer: NO. Don't like that answer? We outnumber you and you don't count! 'Nuf said!
    Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the...awww screw it, I hope the door hits you in the....on your way out!

  7. Because we have politicians that cater to all special interest groups and they get their way. If the Athiest doesn't like it tough crap.....you can leave and go to another country that believes as you do. We are sick of all the these weirdo's!!!

  8. if we are not carefull they will want the crosses removed in arlington cemetery next.

  9. Atheism diminish's being a human being.


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