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Monday, April 30, 2012

2nd Annual Stop The Violence March In Salisbury


  1. Travon Martin? Come on young langston....How bout our black on black crime every murder in salisbury has been us on us. Clown

  2. Just watched it and loved. If you watched the video the places they stopped was places where a person was murdered and they prayed. To my understanding this was a march to stop the violence here in Salisbury. They marched through Salisbury streets not in Florida. It just so happens that the Trayvon Martin situation was relevant at that time and it all boils down to our youth. regardless of balck on black or white on black or black on white crimes. It is still a problem and needs to be addressed. Show young Langson how to do it and formulate a march as Ms. April Jackson did. Nice work, I wish I knew about it, I would of been in attendance.

  3. Joe, I'm glad you're bringing a black presence to the blog.

    Good on ya, brothah.

    Things won't get better till we talk, people to people.

  4. Well... I'll be a clown if that's what you call a person who cares for their community. Actuall we didn't do this just for Trayvon Martin silly... this is our 3rd year marching for those people that have lost their lives since that last time we marched.... but coming from a person who probally sits at home doing nothing for change but talking.... then I understand why I'm a Clown!!! lol I loves this....

  5. And this is one of the video's associated with the S.A.L.I.S.B.U.R.Y. video that was uploaded by the same person.

    That should help with the answer to 'what is the message', so many were concerned about.

  6. if you listen at the end of the video the lady says "the white man"..yea ok thats not singling anyone out or anything. It's good that it's happening and for a good cause and it may catch on throughout the years but stopping the violence shouldn't just be in the predominantly black neighborhoods it should be throughout the whole city of salisbury!!! And dont just focus on black kids that have been killed and make it a race isuue..thats the problem i have with it. People don't know the facts of the case yet. Maybe Trayvon did attack the guy..the truth will come out sooner than later. Stopping the violence should be bringing the communtiy together as a whole and not to just one race.

  7. The Trayvon Martin case was the platform for this march because it was so predominate at the time of this march however, it is not why this community activism took place. Young Langston's fervor for this issue is stemmed from the loss of his best friend to senseless gun violence in this very community. This is not a black/white issue but moreso a neighborhood issue. Everyone can do as he's done and Salisbury's change will come, one neighborhood at a time to create a better city. How many more of us need to loose someone dear before we decide to make a change?

  8. Your right that it's not a race issue is a class issue.. In certain areas of America(Salisbury included) We have a class issue. I am about the whole community on the whole eastern shore... but I still have to say... The murders are happening in the Black neighborhoods, the drugs are heavy in those same neighborhoods, the gangs are also around .... and I ask if these where issues in a White neighborhoodS like W. Nithsdale, Nithsdale, or any of the others. A lot more would be done. I speak because for 6yrs almost I worked with kids who were getting locked up... and our city does nothing for these kids to help better them. Once they make a mistake they are labeled and never ever recieve the proper help to get their lives in order. Believe me I talk from experience. So if your White, Black, Hispanic, Chinese, or whatever race and you live in a area where you are judgded by where you are from then your right... It's not about race it's about Upper, Middle, and of course Lower Class!!!

  9. Hey, everybody, keep talking to each other.

    I am really glad to see this.

    Don't get mad, don't point fingers, just talk.

    You people are talking straight with each other, regardless of your point of view. I wish my community would have a straight up talk like this.

    Best to you.


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