Thousands of miles from their home in Seymour, Tenn., Scott and Theresa Johnson host Shabbat dinners in their Jerusalem apartment every Friday night for "lone soldiers" — as the young men and women who travel from foreign countries to serve in the Israeli army are known.
Typically, 20 or 30 of the soldiers join the Johnsons for a traditional meal and wine and to join in a rousing rendition of "Shalom Aleichem," an old Hebrew song sung to greet the Sabbath day of rest. Scott Johnson leads the song wearing a "kippah" — a traditional Jewish head cover — and standing beneath a painting of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier held prisoner in Gaza for five years before being released in October.
The Johnsons, however, are not Jewish. They are evangelical Christians who live in Israel full-time, operating a U.S.-based 501 c(3) nonprofit, the Servants to Christ Corp.
as a bible student; i stand with Israel and the jewish people.
ReplyDeleteIsrael is the only civilized country in the middle east. Women in that country have equal rights. Predominantly muslim countries historically have denied equality to females! It should be a "no brainer" as to which country the u.s. needs to support.
ReplyDelete9:07 Is correct. Women in the muslim based countries have no rights. Actually they are often persecuted for the crimes that the males commit.