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Friday, March 16, 2012

WalMart North Being Evacuated NOW

The fire alarm in Walmart is going off as we speak and they are evacuating the entire store. More to come...


  1. Is it the one up north? duh

  2. LOL!! Any word on what happened Joe?

  3. I worked at super fresh back in the day up there, water pressure drops all the time, used to set off our alarm due to low pressure in sprinkler lines

  4. I was about 10 feet from the automatic doors in the lawn and garden department when they came over the speaker to tell us all to leave through the front door. They told us we HAD to go to the front to exit. They said there was a gas leak in the pharmacy. Instead of letting us go out the door 10 feet from us they made us walk past the pharmacy to exit. It made no sense to me.

  5. Gas leak.......damn corned beef and cabbage!

  6. Sounds like the Government is looking for someone. They flush the store of people with scary excuses, concentrate them into the front door funnel for video scan and surveillance as they file out the door unknowingly. Duh. Did they find their lucky leprechaun?
    gas leak

    Happy St. Patricks Day! LOL!


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